19. divīzijas cīņas Kurzemē latviešu vēsturnieku skatījumā
Novads, Normunds
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šī darba mērķis ir izpētīt latviešu vēsturnieku un publicistu viedokli par Latviešu SS leģiona 19. divīziju un tās kaujām Kurzemes cietoksnī Otrā pasaules kara beigu posmā. Darbā ietvertā laika pamatlīnija attiecas uz laika periodu no 1943. – 1945. gadam. Darbs balstīts uz zinātnisko un populārzinātnisko literatūru, kuru izpētot un salīdzinot, tika rasta atbilde par 19. divīzijas atšķirīgo būtību un kaujām Kurzemes cietoksnī. Darbs sastāv no trīs nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā ir apskatīts vācu okupācijas laiks, latviešu leģiona 19. divīzijas atšķirīgais veidošanās ceļš un iemesli. Otrā nodaļa ir veltīta 19. divīzijas kaujām Kurzemes cietoksnī. Trešā nodaļa ir veltīta kapitulācijai un secinājumu apkopošanai. Visas nodaļas ir veidotas salīdzinot dažādu latviešu vēsturnieku un publicistu viedokļus par tematu. Galvenais darba uzdevums ir Kurzemes kauju rakstura atklāšana tā, kā tās saredzēja cīņu dalībnieki – gan vadoši virsnieki, gan ierindas karavīri.
The aim of this B.A. thesis is to analyse the 19th division of Latvian legion and its battles in Kurland Fortress as it is viewed by Latvian historians and publicists. The time line of this thesis is last years of the World War Two (1943-1945). This thesis is based on scientific and popular scientific literature, which was analysed and compared to see the difference of 19th division and its battles in Kurland Fortress. This thesis consists of three chapters. The first one is about the time of German occupation and the way how and why the 19th division of Latvian legion was created. The second is devoted to the 19th division’s battles in Kurland Fortress. The third relates to the capitulation and summary of conclusions. All chapters were written by comparing the views of different Latvian historians and publicists. The main goal of this thesis is to explore the true nature of battles in Kurland and to reveal how it was seen by those soldiers who participated in those battles.
The aim of this B.A. thesis is to analyse the 19th division of Latvian legion and its battles in Kurland Fortress as it is viewed by Latvian historians and publicists. The time line of this thesis is last years of the World War Two (1943-1945). This thesis is based on scientific and popular scientific literature, which was analysed and compared to see the difference of 19th division and its battles in Kurland Fortress. This thesis consists of three chapters. The first one is about the time of German occupation and the way how and why the 19th division of Latvian legion was created. The second is devoted to the 19th division’s battles in Kurland Fortress. The third relates to the capitulation and summary of conclusions. All chapters were written by comparing the views of different Latvian historians and publicists. The main goal of this thesis is to explore the true nature of battles in Kurland and to reveal how it was seen by those soldiers who participated in those battles.
Vēsture , Latviešu , leģions, , 19. , divīzija, , Kurzemes