Stereometrija pamatskolas kursā
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarbā „Stereometrija pamatskolas kursā” tiek iztirzāts pamatizglītības standarts un apkopoti eksāmena uzdevumi par šo tēmu.
Darbā ir apkopoti pieejamie vēstures materiāli par izcilākajiem sasniegumiem stereometrijā, kā arī ir dots ieskats par stereometrijas apguvi Latvijas skolās 20. gadsimta 30.gados un veikts salīdzinājums starp 30. gadu mācību grāmatām un mūsdienu mācību literatūru.
Diplomdarbā izveidotais metodiskais materiāls paredzēts šī temata sekmīgākai apgūšanai pamatskolas kursā.
The standard of primary education has been discussed in diploma work „Stereometry in the Primary School Course”. The exam tasks are summarized about theme. The most prominent historical materials about achievements in stereometry have summarized in the work. The view about studying stereometry at schools in Latvia in 30–th of the twentieth century has been given. Comparison between course books of 30-th and course books of nowadays has been done. The methodological materials formed in the diploma work can be used at teaching this theme in primary schools.
The standard of primary education has been discussed in diploma work „Stereometry in the Primary School Course”. The exam tasks are summarized about theme. The most prominent historical materials about achievements in stereometry have summarized in the work. The view about studying stereometry at schools in Latvia in 30–th of the twentieth century has been given. Comparison between course books of 30-th and course books of nowadays has been done. The methodological materials formed in the diploma work can be used at teaching this theme in primary schools.