2.tipa cukura diabēta pacientiem specifisku šūnu līniju izveide dažādu patogēno mehānismu identifikācijai
Radziņa, Andra
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Latvijas Universitāte
2. tipa cukura diabēts ir metabolo traucējumu grupa, kam raksturīga hiperglikēmija un insulīna rezistence. Maģistra darba mērķis bija izveidot diabēta pacientiem specifiskas cilmes šūnu līnijas no taukaudu paraugiem. No taukaudiem iegūtās cilmes šūnas tika diferencētas par adipocītiem, kuriem tika ierosināta insulīna rezistence. Tika noteikta to gēnu ekspresija, kas iesaistīti glikozes homeostāzes, transporta un iekaisumu procesos - normālos un insulīna rezistences apstākļos un novērtēta arī pioglitazona iedarbība uz in vitro izraisīto insulīna rezistenci pacientiem specifiskajās šūnu līnijās. Darba rezultāta iegūtas pacientiem specifiskās ADSC šūnu kultūras, kas, diferencējot, uzrāda adipocītiem raksturīgo gēnu ekspresijas izmaiņas insulīna rezistences un pioglitazona darbības rezultātā.
Type 2 diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders that are characterized by hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. The goal of the master thesis was to create patient specific cell lines from adipose tissue stem cells. Adipose tissue derived stem cells were differentiated into adipocytes and then insulin resistance was induced. Gene expression was determined for the genes play role in glucose homeostasis and transport, and inflammatory processes both in normal and insulin resistance conditions. Effect of pioglitazone was assessed in in vitro induced insulin resistant patient specific cell lines. As a result patient specific ADSC cell lines were obtained showed gene expression characteristic for adipocytes under insulin resistance conditions and pioglitazone.
Type 2 diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders that are characterized by hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. The goal of the master thesis was to create patient specific cell lines from adipose tissue stem cells. Adipose tissue derived stem cells were differentiated into adipocytes and then insulin resistance was induced. Gene expression was determined for the genes play role in glucose homeostasis and transport, and inflammatory processes both in normal and insulin resistance conditions. Effect of pioglitazone was assessed in in vitro induced insulin resistant patient specific cell lines. As a result patient specific ADSC cell lines were obtained showed gene expression characteristic for adipocytes under insulin resistance conditions and pioglitazone.
Bioloģija , ADSC , 2. tipa cukura diabēts , pacientiem specifiski šūnu modeļi , pioglitazons , insulīna rezistence