Sirds ritma variabilitātes maiņas kuņģa sekrēcijas cefāliskās fāzes laikā
Grīnberga, Baiba
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbs veltīts autonomās nervu sistēmas eferento ietekmju izpētei uz kuņģa sekrēciju cefāliskās fāzes laikā. Lai novērtētu šīs eferentācijas kāpumus un kritumus, klīniskajā fizioloģijā tiek piedāvāts izmantot SRV novērtēšanas metodi.
Vēlējāmies noskaidrot SRV maiņas, novērtējot desmit klīniski veselu pieaugušu cilvēku SRV parametrus „rīta miera” un „laboratorijas miera” apstākļos, kā arī cefāliskās fāzes laikā – 20 minūtēs pēc MMB.
Secinājumi: dažādu viena indivīda SRV datu noturīgums ir atšķirīgs, bet cikla garuma atšķirības nepārsniedz 1,5%, RMSSD – 5%. Savukārt „rīta miera” un ”laboratorijas miera” datu salīdzinājums liecina, ka tie atšķiras nenozīmīgi. Eksperimenta ar MMB rezultāti apstiprina hipotēzi, ka SRV parametru maiņas atspoguļo parasimpātiskās eferentācijas maiņas gan sirds, gan kuņģa eferentos.
This study researches efferental effects of autonomic nervous system on gastric secretion during the cephalic phase. To estimate growths and falls of this efferentality, clinical physiology provides the HRV assessment method. We wanted to find out changes in HRV, assessing HRV parameters of ten clinically healthy adults under the conditions of morning rest and laboratory rest, and during the cephalic phase - 20 minutes after MSF. Conclusions: different HRV data stability of one individual are different, but differences of the cycle length does not exceed 1,5%, RMSSD – 5%. However, the comparison of morning rest and laboratory rest data shows that their differences are insignificant. MSF experiment results confirm the hypothesis that parameter changes in HRV reflect the changes in parasympathetic efferentations both in heart and gastric efferentals.
This study researches efferental effects of autonomic nervous system on gastric secretion during the cephalic phase. To estimate growths and falls of this efferentality, clinical physiology provides the HRV assessment method. We wanted to find out changes in HRV, assessing HRV parameters of ten clinically healthy adults under the conditions of morning rest and laboratory rest, and during the cephalic phase - 20 minutes after MSF. Conclusions: different HRV data stability of one individual are different, but differences of the cycle length does not exceed 1,5%, RMSSD – 5%. However, the comparison of morning rest and laboratory rest data shows that their differences are insignificant. MSF experiment results confirm the hypothesis that parameter changes in HRV reflect the changes in parasympathetic efferentations both in heart and gastric efferentals.
Bioloģija , sirdsdarbības ritma variabilitāte , rīta miers , laboratorijas miers , modificētā māņus barošana