Profesionālās orientācijas fakultatīvās nodarbības angļu valodā 9.klasē.
Ābelīte, Larisa
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darba tēmu "Profesionālās orientācijas fakultatīvās nodarbības angļu valodā 9.klasē" autore izvēlējusies tās aktualitātes un esošās darba pieredzes dēļ.
Pēc autores domām profesionālās orientācijas nodarbības angļu valodā veicina runas prasmju attīstīšanu un efektīvi motivē skolēnus mācīties angļu valodu.
Lai sasniegtu izvirzītos mērķus, autore darba procesā iepazinās ar dažādu autoru piedāvāto teorētisko materiālu un izanalizēja to, tādējādi paplašināja savas zināšanas gan pedagoģijas, gan profesionālās orientācijas jomā.
Autore izanalizēja profesionālās orientācijas nodarbību organizācijas formas ar kura palīdzību būtu iespējams efektīvāk attīstīt skolēnu runātprasmes pusaudžu vecuma posmā.
Gūtas atziņas tika praktiski pielietotas un pārbaudītas nelielā 9.klašu skolēnu grupā. Profesionālās orientācijas nodarbībās angļu valodā izmantotās dažādas tēmas un mācību metodes. Pielikumos apkopotas konkrētas tematiskās nodarbības un apkopotas anketas. Autore izmantoja interaktīvās mācīšanas metodes un pētījuma rezultātā secināja, ka skolēni veiksmīgi strādā ar proforientācijas tēmām.
Autore angļu valodas nodarbībās praktiski izmantoja adaptētu speciālu arodorientācijas pamatskolas programmu, kuru apguva Atklātā Sabiedrības Institūtā. Programmas autori ir amerikāņu psihologi Nensija Perrija un Van Zandts.
Teorijā un praksē gūtās atziņas darba autorei noderēs tālākajā pedagoģiskajā procesā.
The theme of the work Vocational Guidance optional English lessons in Form 9 was chosen due to its relevance, topicality in the foreign language acquisition and also due to author’s rich work experience in the Vocational Guidance questions. The author believes that vocational guidance optional lessons promote development of speaking skills and effectively motivate students in English learning. In order to achieve the aims of the research the author has got acquainted with theoretical sources written by different authors. It helped to widen the knowledge of pedagogy and especially of vocational guidance. The methods and forms of organization vocational guidance optional lessons in English were analyzed and compared finding the most suitable and effective ones for developing speaking skills at a certain age. The author has carried out practical work in small students’ group. Different themes and methods were used during professional guidance optional lessons in English. Questionnaires of the students, the lessons’ plans are added in the Appendices. The author used interactive teaching methods in the group and came to the conclusion, that students were able to do effective work during vocational guidance optional lessons. The author used special Career development program, worked out by American psychologists Nancy S.Perry and Zark VanZandt. The author has come to the conclusion that in order to reach the aims of the concrete activities described in the diploma paper it is the teacher whose model helps to develop the skills to communicate and widen the knowledge of the foreign language. The author of the work will be able to use the knowledge and information acquired during the process of writing the paper in further pedagogical process.
The theme of the work Vocational Guidance optional English lessons in Form 9 was chosen due to its relevance, topicality in the foreign language acquisition and also due to author’s rich work experience in the Vocational Guidance questions. The author believes that vocational guidance optional lessons promote development of speaking skills and effectively motivate students in English learning. In order to achieve the aims of the research the author has got acquainted with theoretical sources written by different authors. It helped to widen the knowledge of pedagogy and especially of vocational guidance. The methods and forms of organization vocational guidance optional lessons in English were analyzed and compared finding the most suitable and effective ones for developing speaking skills at a certain age. The author has carried out practical work in small students’ group. Different themes and methods were used during professional guidance optional lessons in English. Questionnaires of the students, the lessons’ plans are added in the Appendices. The author used interactive teaching methods in the group and came to the conclusion, that students were able to do effective work during vocational guidance optional lessons. The author used special Career development program, worked out by American psychologists Nancy S.Perry and Zark VanZandt. The author has come to the conclusion that in order to reach the aims of the concrete activities described in the diploma paper it is the teacher whose model helps to develop the skills to communicate and widen the knowledge of the foreign language. The author of the work will be able to use the knowledge and information acquired during the process of writing the paper in further pedagogical process.