Rotaļas ar dziedāšanu 1,5 - 3 gadīgu bērnu saskarsmes prasmju veicināšanai pirmsskolā
Sisene, Mārīte
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darba nosaukums: Rotaļas ar dziedāšanu 1,5 – 3 gadīgu bērnu saskarsmes prasmju veicināšanai pirmsskolā. Kvalifikācijas darba autore: Mārīte Sisene Zinātniskā darba vadītāja: Dr. paed., docente Ligita Stramkale Pētījuma mērķis: Teorētiski analizēt un empīriski noteikt 1,5 – 3 gadīgu bērnu saskarsmes prasmju veicināšanas iespējas ar rotaļu ar dziedāšanu palīdzību. Darba struktūra: Ievads, 2 nodaļas. Pirmajā nodaļā izzināta literatūra par saskarsmi, saskarsmes prasmēm un bērna vecumposma īpatnībām, personības faktoriem, kam ir nozīmīga loma saskarsmes prasmju attīstībā. Pētīta literatūra par rotaļu ar dziedāšanu, kā saskarsmes prasmju sekmētāju. Otrajā nodaļā: Tika saplānots praktiskais pētījums bērniem 2 -3 gadi pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē ”x”. Pētījumā tika ietverta pedagoģiskā novērošanas metode. Rotaļās ar dziedāšanu tika novērotas un sekmētas izvirzītās bērnu 2 - 3 gadi saskarsmes prasmes, novērojuma rezultāti tika apkopoti un analizēti. Kvalifikācijas darba apjoms: 2 nodaļas, 56 lpp., 5 tabulas, 10 attēli, 47 literatūras avoti. Atslēgvārdi: Rotaļas ar dziedāšanu, 1,5 -3 gadīgi bērni, saskarsme un saskarsmes prasmes. Darba teorētiskajā daļā izmantotas S. Omārovas, L. Dubkeviča, A. Vorobjova, I. Stangaines, D. Dzinteres, B. Brices, L. Lasmanes un daudzu citu autoru atziņas.
Title of the qualification work: Games with singing to promote communication skills of 1.5 -3 year old children in preschool Author of the qualification work: Mārīte Sisene Supervisor: Dr. paed, associate professor: Ligita Stramkale. Aim of the research: Theoretically analyse and empirically identify the possibilities for promoting the skills of 1.5-3-year-olds through playing with singing. Structure of work: Introduction, 2 chapters. The first chapter highlights the literature on communication, communication skills and the characteristics of the child's age, personality factors that play an important role in the development of communication skills. Studies have been conducted on singing-playing literature as a driver of communication skills. In the second chapter: A practical study was planned for children 2-3 years at the “x” pre-school education institution. The study included a pedagogical follow-up method. The games of singing showed and promoted the 2-3-year contact skills of children nominated, and the results of the observation were collected and analysed. Volume of qualification work: 2 chapters, 56 pages, 5 tables, 10 pictures, 47 sources of literature. Keywords: Singing games, 1.5-3-year-old children, contacts, and communication skills. The theoretical part of the work draws on the lessons of S.Omanova, L.Dubkevich, A. Vorobjova, I.Stangaines, D.Dzinteres, B.Brice, L.Lasman and many other authors.
Title of the qualification work: Games with singing to promote communication skills of 1.5 -3 year old children in preschool Author of the qualification work: Mārīte Sisene Supervisor: Dr. paed, associate professor: Ligita Stramkale. Aim of the research: Theoretically analyse and empirically identify the possibilities for promoting the skills of 1.5-3-year-olds through playing with singing. Structure of work: Introduction, 2 chapters. The first chapter highlights the literature on communication, communication skills and the characteristics of the child's age, personality factors that play an important role in the development of communication skills. Studies have been conducted on singing-playing literature as a driver of communication skills. In the second chapter: A practical study was planned for children 2-3 years at the “x” pre-school education institution. The study included a pedagogical follow-up method. The games of singing showed and promoted the 2-3-year contact skills of children nominated, and the results of the observation were collected and analysed. Volume of qualification work: 2 chapters, 56 pages, 5 tables, 10 pictures, 47 sources of literature. Keywords: Singing games, 1.5-3-year-old children, contacts, and communication skills. The theoretical part of the work draws on the lessons of S.Omanova, L.Dubkevich, A. Vorobjova, I.Stangaines, D.Dzinteres, B.Brice, L.Lasman and many other authors.
Pirmsskolas pedagoģija , Rotaļas ar dziedāšanu , 1,5 - 3 gadīgi bērni , saskarsme , saskarsmes prasmes