Epicoccum un Polythrincium sēņu sporas Rīgas gaisā: 2013. un 2014. gada monitoringa rezultāti
Truhņēvičs, Nauris
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir: Epicoccum un Polythrincium sēņu sporas Rīgas gaisā: 2013. un 2014. gada monitoringa rezultāti. Par pētījuma pamatu tika izmantoti aerobioloģiskie un meteoroloģiskie dati 2013. un 2014. gadam. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot Epicoccum un Polythrincium sporu sezonalitāti un diennakts rādītājus Latvijā, un to ietekmējošos faktorus (diennakts gaisa vidējā temperatūra, gaisa relatīvais mitrums, diennakts nokrišņu summa, saules spīdēšanas ilgums utt.). Darba praktiskajā daļā, laboratorijā, tika veikta aerobioloģisko slaidu mikroskopiskā analīze, atpazīstot Epicoccum un Polythrincium sēņu sporas un nosakot to koncentrācijas gaisā. Pēc tam tika veikta sēņu sporu un meteoroloģisko radītāju analīze. Rezultāti uzrādīja nelielu abu sēņu ģinšu sporu koncentrāciju gaisā, ar maksimālām vērtībām augusta mēnesī. Izteikta sakarība starp sporu koncentrāciju gaisā netika konstatēta, visciešākā koncentrācija tika aprēķināta starp sporu koncentrāciju un vidējo diennakts gaisa temperatūru.
The title of bachelor thesis is: Epicoccum and Polythrincium fungal spores in the air over Riga: 2013 – 2014 monitoring results. The bachelor’s thesis presents aerobiological and meteorological data from 2013 – 2014. The aim of the thesis is to study the seasonality of Epicoccum and Polythrincium fungal spores and the daily values in Latvia. And factors that can affect seasonality and daily values like daily average temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, sunshine duration etc. In the practical part of the bachelor's thesis, aerobological slides were studied in the laboratory under microscope, recognizing the spores of the fungus Epicoccum and Polythrincium. Then, the analysis of fungal spores and meteorological indicators was performed. Results has shown maximal spore concentration during August in Riga. Well seen relationship between meteorological parameters and spore concentration was not find but the highest correlation coefficient is in case of analysis of spore concentration and mean daily temperature of air.
The title of bachelor thesis is: Epicoccum and Polythrincium fungal spores in the air over Riga: 2013 – 2014 monitoring results. The bachelor’s thesis presents aerobiological and meteorological data from 2013 – 2014. The aim of the thesis is to study the seasonality of Epicoccum and Polythrincium fungal spores and the daily values in Latvia. And factors that can affect seasonality and daily values like daily average temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, sunshine duration etc. In the practical part of the bachelor's thesis, aerobological slides were studied in the laboratory under microscope, recognizing the spores of the fungus Epicoccum and Polythrincium. Then, the analysis of fungal spores and meteorological indicators was performed. Results has shown maximal spore concentration during August in Riga. Well seen relationship between meteorological parameters and spore concentration was not find but the highest correlation coefficient is in case of analysis of spore concentration and mean daily temperature of air.
Vides zinātne , Epicoccum sēņu sporas , Polythrincium sēņu sporas , Aerobioloģija , Elpceļu alerģija