5-6 gadus vecu bērnu saskarsmes prasmju pilnveidošana izmantojot sižeta lomu rotaļas
Ķirse, Anete
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarbam tika izvēlēta tēma „5-6 gadus vecu bērnu saskarsmes prasmju pilnveidošana izmantojot sižeta lomu rotaļas”.
Darba autore: Anete Ķirse
Darba zinātniskā vadītāja: Dr. Paed. Linda Daniela
Darbā analizēta teorētiskā literatūra par vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu attīstības īpatnībām, saskarsmes prasmēm un rotaļām, pievēršot uzmanību sižeta lomu rotaļām.
Pētījums sastāv no 52 lappusēm, kurās ir 3 teorētiskās nodaļas, 1 praktiskā nodaļa, 5 tabulas, 2 attēli un 1 pielikums. Darbā izmantots 51 literatūras avots.
Atslēgas vārdi: 5-6 gadus veci bērni, saskarsme, sižeta lomu rotaļa.
Pētījuma mērķis. Izpētīt sižeta lomu rotaļu izmantošanas iespējas 5-6 gadus vecu bērnu saskarsmes prasmju pilnveidošanai.
Pētnieciskais jautājums. Kā sižeta lomu rotaļas pilnveido saskarsmes prasmes 5-6 gadus veciem bērniem.
Pētījuma bāze. Pedagoģiskais process pirmsskolā „x”, vecākajā grupā.
Lai veiksmīgāk un pēc iespējas kvalitatīvāk noritētu bērna attīstība, lai bērns kļūtu par pilnvērtīgu sabiedrības locekli, pieaugušajam ir jābūt zinošam un jāpārzina visi attīstības posmi un bērna attīstības īpatnības.
Pirmsskolā kā vadošais darbības veids ir rotaļa, ar tās palīdzību bērns var darboties gan pieaugušā organizētās darbībās, gan patstāvīgi.
The theme of the Bachelor thesis is “5 – 6 years old children’s communication skills development through roleplaying”. Author of this work: Anete Ķirse Advisor: Asoc. Prof. Linda Daniela The thesis include analysis of theoretical literature of oldest pre-schoolers development characteristics, communication skills and activities, focusing on roleplaying. The research consists of 52 pages: three theoretical chapters, one practical chapter, five tables, two figures, and one appendix. 51 sources were used in the Bachelor thesis. Keywords: 5 – 6 year old children, communication, roleplaying. The goal of the research: To study the possibilities of using roleplaying on 5 – 6 year old children to develop communication skills. The research question: How roleplaying can develop communication skills between 5 – 6 year old children. The base of the research: Pedagogical process in pre-school “x”, oldest group. For an effective and qualitative development of the child, and become a full-fledged member of society, an adult must be knowledgeable and familiar with all stages of development and child development characteristics. In pre-school, as the leading activity is play – with its help the child can function individually and in adult organised activities.
The theme of the Bachelor thesis is “5 – 6 years old children’s communication skills development through roleplaying”. Author of this work: Anete Ķirse Advisor: Asoc. Prof. Linda Daniela The thesis include analysis of theoretical literature of oldest pre-schoolers development characteristics, communication skills and activities, focusing on roleplaying. The research consists of 52 pages: three theoretical chapters, one practical chapter, five tables, two figures, and one appendix. 51 sources were used in the Bachelor thesis. Keywords: 5 – 6 year old children, communication, roleplaying. The goal of the research: To study the possibilities of using roleplaying on 5 – 6 year old children to develop communication skills. The research question: How roleplaying can develop communication skills between 5 – 6 year old children. The base of the research: Pedagogical process in pre-school “x”, oldest group. For an effective and qualitative development of the child, and become a full-fledged member of society, an adult must be knowledgeable and familiar with all stages of development and child development characteristics. In pre-school, as the leading activity is play – with its help the child can function individually and in adult organised activities.
Pedagoģija , 5-6 gadus veci bērni , saskarsme , sižeta lomu rotaļa , . , .