Latvijas-Igaunijas politiskās attiecības 1919.-1925. gadā
Akermanis, Jēkabs Jānis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir analizēt Latvijas un Igaunijas politisko attiecību veidošanās procesu mijiedarbībā ar Baltijas reģiona ģeopolitisko kontekstu laika posmā no 1919. līdz 1925. gadam. Darba ietvaros tika analizētas Latvijas un Igaunijas politiskās attiecības kā Baltijas reģiona ģeopolitikas procesu sastāvdaļa, pastiprinātu uzmanību pievēršot multilaterālās sadarbības idejas attīstībai laika posmā no 1919. līdz 1925. gadam. Darba rezultātā tika identificēti Latvijas un Igaunijas bilaterālo attiecību veidošanās pamatprincipi, kā arī analizēta to ietekme un mijiedarbība ar plašākā reģiona ģeopolitiskajām norisēm.
The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to analyze the development of political relations between Latvia and Estonia in interaction with the geopolitical context of the Baltic region in the period from 1919 to 1925. Within the framework of the thesis, the political relations between Latvia and Estonia were analyzed as a part of the geopolitical processes of the Baltic region, paying increased attention to the development of the idea of multilateral cooperation in the period from 1919 to 1925. As a result of the work, the basic principles of the formation of bilateral relations between Latvia and Estonia were identified, as well as their influence and interaction with the geopolitical developments of the wider region were analyzed.
The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to analyze the development of political relations between Latvia and Estonia in interaction with the geopolitical context of the Baltic region in the period from 1919 to 1925. Within the framework of the thesis, the political relations between Latvia and Estonia were analyzed as a part of the geopolitical processes of the Baltic region, paying increased attention to the development of the idea of multilateral cooperation in the period from 1919 to 1925. As a result of the work, the basic principles of the formation of bilateral relations between Latvia and Estonia were identified, as well as their influence and interaction with the geopolitical developments of the wider region were analyzed.
Vēsture , diplomātija , Baltijas valstis , Latvija , Igaunija , multilaterālisms