Grafiskās lietotāja saskarnes kvalitāte un tās pārbaude
Blūmentāls, Kārlis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Grafiskā lietotāja saskarne ir viena no svarīgākajām mūsdienu lietojuma programmatūras daļām, jo tā tiešā veidā ietekmē produkta lietderību. Ērtas un efektīvas lietotāja saskarnes pamatā ir virkne sarežģītu principu, kas ir saistīti gan ar cilvēka dabu, gan ar datoru tehniskajām iespējām, tāpēc, atšķirībā no citām programmatūras produktu īpašībām, grafiskās lietotāja saskarnes kvalitāti nav iespējams viennozīmīgi novērtēt nedz kvantitatīvi, nedz ar tradicionālajām pārbaudes metodēm. Darbā aprakstīti labas grafiskās saskarnes izveides principi un vadlīnijas, kuru analīzes rezultātā iegūts grafiskās saskarnes kvalitātes kritēriju kontrolsaraksts un metode ātrai un praktiskai grafiskās saskarnes kvalitātes novērtēšanai. Gan darbā apskatītā kvalitātes novērtēšanas metodika, gan labas saskarnes principi ir nodemonstrēti reālu programmatūras projektu kontekstā.
Graphical user interface is one of the most important application software components because of its direct impact on the productivity. A user-friendly and efficient UI should meet various principles related to both human nature and technical capacities of computers. This is why in contrast to other software product properties, the quality of graphical user interfaces cannot be evaluated in quantitative terms, and neither can it be done by means of traditional testing methods. This paper presents and analyzes the principles and guidelines for good graphical interface design and provides a GUI quality evaluation checklist and a practical and easy to use method for quick evaluation of the quality of graphical user interfaces. Both the quality evaluation method described in the present paper and the properties of a good graphical interface are demonstrated by means of practical real-life software project examples.
Graphical user interface is one of the most important application software components because of its direct impact on the productivity. A user-friendly and efficient UI should meet various principles related to both human nature and technical capacities of computers. This is why in contrast to other software product properties, the quality of graphical user interfaces cannot be evaluated in quantitative terms, and neither can it be done by means of traditional testing methods. This paper presents and analyzes the principles and guidelines for good graphical interface design and provides a GUI quality evaluation checklist and a practical and easy to use method for quick evaluation of the quality of graphical user interfaces. Both the quality evaluation method described in the present paper and the properties of a good graphical interface are demonstrated by means of practical real-life software project examples.