Dvēseles kopšana Austrumu pareizticībā
Vizla, Edmunds
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šis darbs piedāvā iespēju ielūkoties Austrumu pareizticīgās baznīcas dvēseles kopšanas un pastorālās padomdošanas tradīcijā. Mūsdienu Rietumu zinātnieki un teologi vēl ir maz pētījuši šo savdabīgo tradīciju, kas spēj sniegt jaunu atklājumu iespējas pastorālās padomdošanas un dvēseles kopšanas praksē. Mums uzreiz nākas norādīt uz atšķirībām, kādas pastāv abās tradīcijās lietojot noteiktas metodes, taču pastāv arī daži kopēji elementi, piemēram , mūsdienu Rietumu pastorālo padomdevēju un teologu ieskati par baznīcas lomas un garīgās dzīves attīstības nozīmi dvēseles kopšanā.
Austrumu pareizticīgā baznīca savās neizmērojamajās garīguma dzīles glabā daudzus vēl neredzētus dārgumus. Šis nelielais darbs atklāj tikai mazu daļu no tiem, cerībā radīt interesi tālākām studijām un pētniecībai šajā laukā.
This work represents an insight into the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition concerning the spiritual direction and pastoral counseling. This is still not completely explored area for the Western scholars and theologians and it can provide new discoveries into the field of spiritual direction and pastoral counseling movement. We must point out the great differences between the approaches of certain methods in both traditions, but we can also find some similarities, especially in the way how modern Western pastoral counselors and theologians see the place of church and development of spiritual life in the process of counseling or spiritual direction. The Eastern Orthodox tradition holds rare and unique treasures within its boundless depths of spirituality. This small effort only reveals some of them, in hope for further interest in studies of this ancient and monumental Christian tradition.
This work represents an insight into the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition concerning the spiritual direction and pastoral counseling. This is still not completely explored area for the Western scholars and theologians and it can provide new discoveries into the field of spiritual direction and pastoral counseling movement. We must point out the great differences between the approaches of certain methods in both traditions, but we can also find some similarities, especially in the way how modern Western pastoral counselors and theologians see the place of church and development of spiritual life in the process of counseling or spiritual direction. The Eastern Orthodox tradition holds rare and unique treasures within its boundless depths of spirituality. This small effort only reveals some of them, in hope for further interest in studies of this ancient and monumental Christian tradition.
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