Latviešu Nacionālā fonda izdevējdarbība (1947.-1991.)
Gabrāne, Dagmāra
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pētījums veikts par vienu no populārākajām un darbīgākajām trimdas latviešu organizācijām Latviešu Nacionālo fondu, kurš pēc pazīstamā latviešu dzejnieka Andreja Eglīša ierosinājuma tika dibināts 1947.gadā Stokholmā un eksistē vēl šodien. Par saviem galvenajiem mērķiem fonds noteica cīnīties par Latvijas Republikas neatkarību, par latviešu tautas interesēm, izplatīt autentisku informāciju par Latvijas tautu, vēsturi, ģeogrāfiju, kultūru un jaunākās ziņas no Padomju savienības okupētajām Baltijas valstīm, it sevišķi – Latvijas. Nacionālais fonds uzskatāms par pirmo globālo trimdas latviešu informācijas organizāciju pasaulē, kas ne tikai publicēja savus izdevumus un atbalstīja citus izdevējus, bet arī sistemātiski apkopoja un izplatīja ziņas par Padomju režīmu Latvijā starptautiskām organizācijām, rietumvalstu valdībām.
Visredzamākā fonda aktivitāšu puse bijusi izdevējdarbība, kura arī ir mana pētījuma centrā. Aktīva izdevējdarbība fondam bijusi no 1947. līdz pat 1991. gadam. Starp publicētajiem darbiem atrodamas gan saturiski vērtīgas un apjomā lielas grāmatas par Latvijas kultūru un vēsturi, gan brošūras par aktuāliem notikumiem Latvijā un Baltijas valstīs, gan dienasgrāmatas, gan latviešu dzejas krājumu tulkojumus, gan periodiku vairākās valodās. No publicētā lielākā daļa bija svešvalodās, kas tuvākas starptautiskajai sabiedrībai, taču vairāki nozīmīgi darbi izdoti gan latviešu, gan kādā no svešvalodām. Starp pazīstamākajām publikācijām uzskaitāmas „These Names Accuse” (1951, 1982), Latvia – Country and People” (1967), Ādolfa Šildes „The Profits of Slavery” (1958) un „Resistance Movement in Latvia (1985), Artura Landsmaņa „Persist or Perish” (1976) u.c.
Izdevējdarbība nebija vienīgais LNF darbības virziens – fonda biedri aktīvi piedalījušies dažādos sabiedriskos pasākumos, demonstrācijās un starptautiskās sanāksmēs, piemēram, ANO Cilvēktiesību komisijas sanāksmēs, EDSO sanāksmēs u.c.
Latvijai atgūstot neatkarību, Latviešu Nacionālā fonda misija tiek pārdēvēta un darbība galvenokārt izpaužas materiālā atbalsta sniegšanā mazturīgām ģimenēm, stipendiju izsniegšanā atsevišķiem studentiem un tehniskā aprīkojuma piegādē lauku skolām Latvijā. Kopš LNF ir arī pārstāvniecība Latvijā, tā pārstāvis Latvijā ir Anna Šmite, Misiņa bibliotēkas direktore.
Kaut Latviešu Nacionālais fonds ir viena no nedaudzajām trimdas latviešu organizācijām Skandināvijā, kas pastāv vēl šobrīd, līdz šim nav bijis pētījums, kurā atklāti visi fonda darbības virzieni, īpaši izceļot tā izdevējdarbību. Paredzams, ka mans pētījums būs noderīgs izziņu avots tiem, kas arī pēta trimdas izdevējdarbību, un tiem, kam ir interese par latviešu tautas vēsturi.
This research is made on one of the most known and active banished Latvian’s organization the Latvian National Foundation which was established in 1947 in Stockholm after the initiative of popular Latvian poet Andrejs Eglītis. The main goal of the Foundation was set to fight for the independency of Latvia, for the interests of Latvian people, to distribute authentic information on Latvia’s people, history, geography, culture and latest news about Soviet Union’s occupied Baltic States. The Latvian National Foundation is considered to be the first global banished Latvian’s information organization in the world which functions weren’t only publishing its own publications and helping other organizations in publishing but also gathering consistently and distributing information on the Soviet regime in Latvia to governments of developed countries in the Western and international organizations which stand for human rights and freedom. The most visible activity of the Latvian National Foundation was publishing which was the main object of my research. The Foundation had a regular publishing from 1947 till 1991. LNF issued books of great value on Latvia, its culture and history, brochures containing latest news from occupied Latvia and the Baltics, diaries, interpreted poetry collections and periodicals in several languages. Most of the published was in English, German or Swedish which were closer to international society but there were editions published in two or even three languages including Latvian. The most famous publications would be “These Names Accuse” (1951, 2nd ed. 1982), “Latvia – Country and People” (1967), “The Profits of Slavery” (1958) and “Resistance Movement in Latvia” (1985) by Adolfs Šilde, “Persist or Perish” (1976) by Arturs Landsmanis etc. Publishing wasn’t the only direction of operation of the National Foundation. The members of the LNF took part in several public activities, demonstrations and also international conferences like the UN Human Rights Committee’s and EDSO’s conferences. When Latvia re-established its independency the Latvian National Foundation changed its mission and since then the main activities are providing low income families with donations, country-side schools with technical equipment and students with grants. Since LNF is represented also in Latvia the representative here is Anna Šmite, Director of The Misina Library which holds a huge part of the Foundation’s archives. Though Latvian National Foundation is one of banished Latvian’s organizations left in Scandinavia till now there hasn’t been a serious research on its history and activities, especially publishing. My research could be of interest and use to other students doing studies on banished Latvian’s publishing and to any other having professional interest.
This research is made on one of the most known and active banished Latvian’s organization the Latvian National Foundation which was established in 1947 in Stockholm after the initiative of popular Latvian poet Andrejs Eglītis. The main goal of the Foundation was set to fight for the independency of Latvia, for the interests of Latvian people, to distribute authentic information on Latvia’s people, history, geography, culture and latest news about Soviet Union’s occupied Baltic States. The Latvian National Foundation is considered to be the first global banished Latvian’s information organization in the world which functions weren’t only publishing its own publications and helping other organizations in publishing but also gathering consistently and distributing information on the Soviet regime in Latvia to governments of developed countries in the Western and international organizations which stand for human rights and freedom. The most visible activity of the Latvian National Foundation was publishing which was the main object of my research. The Foundation had a regular publishing from 1947 till 1991. LNF issued books of great value on Latvia, its culture and history, brochures containing latest news from occupied Latvia and the Baltics, diaries, interpreted poetry collections and periodicals in several languages. Most of the published was in English, German or Swedish which were closer to international society but there were editions published in two or even three languages including Latvian. The most famous publications would be “These Names Accuse” (1951, 2nd ed. 1982), “Latvia – Country and People” (1967), “The Profits of Slavery” (1958) and “Resistance Movement in Latvia” (1985) by Adolfs Šilde, “Persist or Perish” (1976) by Arturs Landsmanis etc. Publishing wasn’t the only direction of operation of the National Foundation. The members of the LNF took part in several public activities, demonstrations and also international conferences like the UN Human Rights Committee’s and EDSO’s conferences. When Latvia re-established its independency the Latvian National Foundation changed its mission and since then the main activities are providing low income families with donations, country-side schools with technical equipment and students with grants. Since LNF is represented also in Latvia the representative here is Anna Šmite, Director of The Misina Library which holds a huge part of the Foundation’s archives. Though Latvian National Foundation is one of banished Latvian’s organizations left in Scandinavia till now there hasn’t been a serious research on its history and activities, especially publishing. My research could be of interest and use to other students doing studies on banished Latvian’s publishing and to any other having professional interest.
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