10- 12 gadus vecu bērnu ar atkārtotu nesekmību iemācītās bezpalīdzības saistība ar vecāku iemācīto bezpalīdzību
Lamstere, Jolanta
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbā tika pētīta iemācītās bezpalīdzības saistība bērniem ar vecāku iemācīto bezpalīdzību. Pētījuma gaitā tika izvirzīti pētījuma jautājumi: vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas sakarības starp iemācītās bezpalīdzības rādītājiem 10- 12 gadus veciem bērniem ar atkārtotu nesekmību un viņu vecāku iemācītās bezpalīdzības rādītājiem; vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp iemācītās bezpalīdzības rādītājiem bērniem ar atkārtotu nesekmību un sekmīgiem bērniem; vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp iemācītās bezpalīdzības rādītājiem sekmīgo un nesekmīgo bērnu vecākiem. Pētījumā izmantotas šādas metodes: tests notikumu izskaidrojošā stila noteikšanai (Explanatory Style Questionnaire 1990) un tests notikumu izskaidrojošā stila noteikšanai, bērnu variants. (Explanatory Style Questionnaire for children’s 1990), tika pielāgota arī bērnu metode aizpildīšanai vecākiem, lai noskaidrotu vecāku iemācīto bezpalīdzību attieksmē pret bērnu. Izlasē tika iekļauti 63 skolēni vecumā no 10 līdz 12 gadiem. No tiem 36 skolēni, kuriem vienā vai vairākos priekšmetos vairāk kā vienā semestrī bijis nesekmīgs vērtējums un 27 skolēni ar atbilstoši sekmīgiem vērtējumiem semestrī. Pētījumā tika iekļauti skolēnu vecāki - 47 mātes un 25 tēvi.
Galvenie secinājumi: Sakarības starp bezpalīdzības rādītājiem vecākiem un bērniem: pastāv statistiski nozīmīga pozitīva sakarība starp negatīvo notikumu cēloņu personalizāciju mātei un negatīvu notikumu gaidām bērnam sekmīgiem skolēniem; pastāv statistiski nozīmīga pozitīva sakarība starp negatīvo notikumu gaidām tēvam attieksmē pret bērnu un negatīvo notikumu cēloņu personalizāciju sekmīgiem bērniem; pastāv statistiski nozīmīga negatīva sakarība starp negatīvo notikumu cēloņu personalizāciju tēvam un negatīvu notikumu gaidām nesekmīgiem skolēniem. Pastāv statistiski nozīmīga pozitīva sakarība starp negatīvo notikumu gaidām tēvam un negatīvu notikumu cēloņu personalizāciju bērnam un pastāv pozitīva, statistiski nozīmīga sakarība starp negatīvo notikumu gaidām tēvam attiecībā pret bērnu un negatīvu notikumu cēloņu personalizāciju nesekmīgiem bērniem. Pastāv statistiski nozīmīga atšķirība starp sekmīgo un nesekmīgo bērnu iemācītās bezpalīdzības rādītājiem. Pastāv statistiski nozīmīga atšķirība starp sekmīgo un nesekmīgo bērnu mātes bezpalīdzības rādītājiem attieksmē pret bērnu.
Atslēgas vārdi: iemācītā bezpalīdzība, atkārtota nesekmība, atribūcijas stils, izskaidrojošais stils.
The present research paper deals with the connection of the learned helplessness of academically successful and backward 10 - 12-year-old pupils with the learned helplessness of their parents. The following issues were raised for the present research: Does statistically significant coherency exist between the indices of the learned helplessness of 10 – 12-year-old pupils with repeated unproficiency and the indices of the learned helplessness of their parents? Do statistically significant differences exist between the indices of the learned helplessness among the children with repeatedly poor progress and the academically successful children? Do statistically significant differences exist between the indices of the learned helplessness among the parents of academically successful and backward children’s parents. The following methods have been used in the research: Explanatory style questionnaire 1990; Explanatory style questionnaire 1990, children’s version; the children’s version was also applied to parents to clarify the parents’ learned helplessness regarding the child. 63 pupils aged 10 – 12 were involved in the research. 36 of them represented the children with one or more insufficient evaluations in more than one term and 27 pupils were with respectively sufficient evaluations. The pupils’ parents, 47 mothers and 25 fathers, participated in the research. The main conclusions: The coherence between children’s and parents’ indices of the learned helplessness: there exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the personalization of the causes of negative events for mothers and expectation of negative events for academically successful pupils. There exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the expectation of negative events for fathers and personalization of the causes of negative events for academically successful children. There exists a statistically significant negative coherence between the personalization of the causes of negative events for fathers and expectation of negative events for academically backward pupils. There exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the expectation of negative events for fathers and the personalization of the causes of negative events for children. There also exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the expectation of negative events for fathers, regarding a child, and the personalization of the causes of negative events for academically backward children. There exists a statistically significant difference between the indices of the learned helplessness of the academically successful and backward pupils. There exists a statistically significant difference between the indices of the learned helplessness among the mothers of academically successful and backward pupils, regarding the child. Key words: Learned helplessness, Attribution style, Explanatory style, academically successful.
The present research paper deals with the connection of the learned helplessness of academically successful and backward 10 - 12-year-old pupils with the learned helplessness of their parents. The following issues were raised for the present research: Does statistically significant coherency exist between the indices of the learned helplessness of 10 – 12-year-old pupils with repeated unproficiency and the indices of the learned helplessness of their parents? Do statistically significant differences exist between the indices of the learned helplessness among the children with repeatedly poor progress and the academically successful children? Do statistically significant differences exist between the indices of the learned helplessness among the parents of academically successful and backward children’s parents. The following methods have been used in the research: Explanatory style questionnaire 1990; Explanatory style questionnaire 1990, children’s version; the children’s version was also applied to parents to clarify the parents’ learned helplessness regarding the child. 63 pupils aged 10 – 12 were involved in the research. 36 of them represented the children with one or more insufficient evaluations in more than one term and 27 pupils were with respectively sufficient evaluations. The pupils’ parents, 47 mothers and 25 fathers, participated in the research. The main conclusions: The coherence between children’s and parents’ indices of the learned helplessness: there exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the personalization of the causes of negative events for mothers and expectation of negative events for academically successful pupils. There exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the expectation of negative events for fathers and personalization of the causes of negative events for academically successful children. There exists a statistically significant negative coherence between the personalization of the causes of negative events for fathers and expectation of negative events for academically backward pupils. There exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the expectation of negative events for fathers and the personalization of the causes of negative events for children. There also exists a statistically significant positive coherence between the expectation of negative events for fathers, regarding a child, and the personalization of the causes of negative events for academically backward children. There exists a statistically significant difference between the indices of the learned helplessness of the academically successful and backward pupils. There exists a statistically significant difference between the indices of the learned helplessness among the mothers of academically successful and backward pupils, regarding the child. Key words: Learned helplessness, Attribution style, Explanatory style, academically successful.