Tīmekļa lietojumu izstrādes valoda k5z un tās realizācija
Krīgers, Krists
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Latvijas Universitāte
Tīmekļa lietojumu popularitāte ir veicinājusi dažādu to izstrādei izmantojamu valodu
un ietvaru izveidi. Lai gan ietvari ir pieejami visām populārākajām tīmekļa vidē izmanto-
jamajām valodām (Python, PHP, Ruby, Java), to pieeja tīmekļa lietojumu izstrādei ir raks-
turojama kā smagnēja - galvenokārt šajos ietvaros plaši lietotās MVC pieejas un vispārīgās
tīmekļa lietojumu izveides pieejas kombinācijas dēļ.
Dotā darba ietvaros tiek piedāvāta jauna programmēšanas valoda k5z, kura realizē
jaunu tīmekļa lietojumu izveides pieeju - ar mērķi novērst izplatītās pieejas trūkumus.
Jaunās pieejas galvenā iezīme ir programmas izpildes stāvokļa saglabāšanas un atjaunošanas
( pirms un pēc programmas apturēšanas/atsākšanas) mehānisma izveides automatizācija,
tādējādi ļaujot izstrādātājam brīvi veidot dialogu ar lietojuma lietotāju.
Tiek aprakstīta valodas realizācija, valodas sintakse, kompilatora uzbūve un lietošana.
Aprakstītas arī autora tīmekļa lietojumu izstrādei paredzētās bibliotēkas.
Tīmekļa vietnē http://1024.808.lv/k5z pieejams valodas k5z apraksts un lejupielādei
sagatavots kompilators, bibliotēkas, kā arī vienkāršākie pielietojuma piemēri ar to
Atslēg vārdi: programmēšanas valoda, tīmekļa lietojumi, kompilators
Popularity of web applications has fostered a number of programming languages and frameworks designed and/or adopted to development of web applications. Although there are web application development frameworks for all major programming languages suited for web (Python, PHP, Ruby, Java), approach used can be considered quite heavy-handed, mainly because of intrinsic nature of widely used MVC architectural pattern in combina- tion with general approach of building web applications. is thesis proposes a new programming language k5z, which attempts to improve upon the shortcomings of existing approach used for web application design by introduc- ing a new approach. Main feature of this new approach is automatic mechanism of saving and restoring of program state on suspend/resume. By providing this, the language gives programmer a potential to easily create dialog processes of arbitrar y complexity. esis describes implementation and syntax of language, design and usage of compiler, as well as describes the libraries intended for web application development. Web site http://1024.808.lv/k5z hosts a specification and compiler of k5z, as well as live examples of usage and their source code. Keywords: programming language, web application, compiler
Popularity of web applications has fostered a number of programming languages and frameworks designed and/or adopted to development of web applications. Although there are web application development frameworks for all major programming languages suited for web (Python, PHP, Ruby, Java), approach used can be considered quite heavy-handed, mainly because of intrinsic nature of widely used MVC architectural pattern in combina- tion with general approach of building web applications. is thesis proposes a new programming language k5z, which attempts to improve upon the shortcomings of existing approach used for web application design by introduc- ing a new approach. Main feature of this new approach is automatic mechanism of saving and restoring of program state on suspend/resume. By providing this, the language gives programmer a potential to easily create dialog processes of arbitrar y complexity. esis describes implementation and syntax of language, design and usage of compiler, as well as describes the libraries intended for web application development. Web site http://1024.808.lv/k5z hosts a specification and compiler of k5z, as well as live examples of usage and their source code. Keywords: programming language, web application, compiler