Iedrošinošas vides veidošana kristīgā mācībā sākumskolā
Makāne, Elita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Aptaujājot skolēnus un skolotājus, esmu secinājusi, ka, lai veidotos veiksmīga skolēna un skolotāja sadarbība, neaizstājama loma ir ne tikai fiziskajai videi, bet arī psiholoģiskajai videi. Ja tas nav nodrošināts, tas nerosina skolēnus mācīties un nesekmē viņu pašizaugsmi.
Psiholoģiskās vides veidošanai klasē pirmais solis ir uzticēšanās starp skolotāju un skolēnu, bet aptaujas rezultāti liecināja, ka uzticēšanās līmenis tikai 50 % gadījumos ir apstiprinošs visos gadījumos vai "bieži".
Fiziskās vides veidošanai ir svarīgs ne tikai klases iekārtojums, bet pati klases telpa, ko skolotājs nevar mainīt.
Klases telpu gan vizuāli var uzlabot, izmantojot bērnu darbus, uzskates līdzekļus un veiksmīgu mēbeļu izvietojumu.
Analysis of the inquiry suggests that indispensable for the successful cooperation between students and teachers is not only physical environment but also psychological environment. If fostering environment is not provided, it impedes motivation to study and grow. Trust between students and teachers is the first step to promote fostering psychological environment, however the results of the inquiry suggest that only 50% of respondents answered that there is trust “always” or “often”. To create physical environment what is important is not only arrangement of the classroom but the room itself and teacher can’t change that. However, improvements are possible changing the way classroom looks by rearranging furniture and visual aids and exhibiting children’s art work.
Analysis of the inquiry suggests that indispensable for the successful cooperation between students and teachers is not only physical environment but also psychological environment. If fostering environment is not provided, it impedes motivation to study and grow. Trust between students and teachers is the first step to promote fostering psychological environment, however the results of the inquiry suggest that only 50% of respondents answered that there is trust “always” or “often”. To create physical environment what is important is not only arrangement of the classroom but the room itself and teacher can’t change that. However, improvements are possible changing the way classroom looks by rearranging furniture and visual aids and exhibiting children’s art work.