Pirkstiņrotaļas un rotaļas ar priekšmetiem 3- 4 gadus vecu bērnu griešanas prasmes sekmēšanai
Gudone, Inese
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darba tēma ir, “Pirkstiņrotaļas un rotaļas ar priekšmetiem 3-4 gadus vecu bērnu griešanas prasmes sekmēšanai”. Darba mērķis ir teorētiski analizēt un praktiski pētīt, kā pirkstiņrotaļu un rotaļu ar priekšmetiem pielietošana sekmē 3-4 gadus vecu bērnu griešanas prasmes. Mērķa sasniegšanai tika izvirzīti vairāki uzdevumi: 1. Analizēt pedagogu un psihologu atziņas par 3-4 gadus vecu bērnu attīstību un raksturot griešanas prasmes. 2.Analizēt pedagogu atziņas par rotaļu, pirkstiņrotaļu pētījuma kontekstā. 3.Veikt pētījumu par griešanas prasmju sekmēšanu rotaļā. Darba pirmajā daļā teorētiski tiek analizēta pedagogu un psihologu atziņas par bērna attīstības īpatnībām vidējā pirmskolas vecumposmā. Raksturotas griešanas prasmes. Analizēta rotaļu nozīme bērna attīstībā un pētījuma kontekstā. Darba otrajā daļā tiek pētīta rotaļu ietekme uz bērnu griešanas prasmju attīstību. Analizēts veiktais pētījums. Tika veikta vecāku un pedagogu anketēšana un analīze. Kvalifikācijas darba apjoms sastāv no 53.lpp., kurās iekļauts: anotācija, saturs, ievads, 2 nodaļas, 1. nodaļai 3 apakšnodaļas, 2 tabulas, 1 attēls, 2.nodaļai 3 apakšnodaļas, kurās iekļautas 4 tabulas,13 attēli un anketēšanas analīze, izmantoti 36 literatūras avoti, 1 pielikums, ieteikumi vecākiem.
The theme of the qualification work is, "Finger toys and toys with objects to enhance the cutting skills of 3-4 year olds". The purpose of this work is to analyze theoretically and to study how to use the finger and object toys improves the cutting skills of 3-4 year old children. To achieve this goal, several tasks were set: 1. Analyze educators 'and psychologists' findings on the development of 3-4 year old children and describe cutting skills. 2. Analyze educators' conclusions about play in the context of research on finger games. 3. Conduct a study on the promotion of cutting skills in the toy. The first part of the paper theoretically analyzes the conclusions of educators and psychologists about the peculiarities of child development in the middle pre-school age. Characterized cutting skills. The role of play in the child's development and research context is analyzed. The second part of the paper explores the impact of play on the development of children's cutting skills. The research is analyzed. Questionnaires and analysis of parents and teachers were carried out. The scope of the qualification paper consists of page 53, which includes: Abstract, Content, Introduction, Chapter 2, Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Conclusions, Tables 2, Figure 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, which includes 4 tables,13 pictures and questionnaire analysis, 36 references, 1 appendixes, suggestions for parents.
The theme of the qualification work is, "Finger toys and toys with objects to enhance the cutting skills of 3-4 year olds". The purpose of this work is to analyze theoretically and to study how to use the finger and object toys improves the cutting skills of 3-4 year old children. To achieve this goal, several tasks were set: 1. Analyze educators 'and psychologists' findings on the development of 3-4 year old children and describe cutting skills. 2. Analyze educators' conclusions about play in the context of research on finger games. 3. Conduct a study on the promotion of cutting skills in the toy. The first part of the paper theoretically analyzes the conclusions of educators and psychologists about the peculiarities of child development in the middle pre-school age. Characterized cutting skills. The role of play in the child's development and research context is analyzed. The second part of the paper explores the impact of play on the development of children's cutting skills. The research is analyzed. Questionnaires and analysis of parents and teachers were carried out. The scope of the qualification paper consists of page 53, which includes: Abstract, Content, Introduction, Chapter 2, Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Conclusions, Tables 2, Figure 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, which includes 4 tables,13 pictures and questionnaire analysis, 36 references, 1 appendixes, suggestions for parents.
Pirmsskolas pedagoģija , ''Bērnu attīstības vidējais vecumposms pirmsskolai'' , ''Griešanas prasmes'' , ''Pirkstiņrotaļas'' , ''Pirkstu sīkās muskulutūras attīstības vingrinājumi'' , ''Rotaļa''