Pundurbērza Betula nana veģetatīvā augšanas dinamika.
Metāle, Madara Margita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pundurbērzs ir viena no modeļsugām, kas tiek izmantota plaši sīkkrūmu augšanas dinamikas pētījumos. Aktuāli aplūkot pundurbērza augšanas dinamiku uz tā augšanas areāla robežas un klimata ietkmes saistību ar to. Latvijā pundurbērzam novērota kambija aktivitātes neesamība auga vecākajās daļās, kas atrodas sūnu slānī. Augšanas dinamika ir nevienlīdzīga visā Latvijas teritorijā, kas saistāma ar mikroklimata, topogrāfijas, abiotisko un biotisko faktoru ietekmi. Gadskārtu platuma hronoloģijās novērojama vidējās gaisa temperatūras izmaiņu ietekme ziemeļu – dienvidu gradientā. Klimatisko rādītāju izmaiņas kopumā liecina par individuāla mikroklimata ietekmi uz katra biotopa gadskārtu platumu veidošanos.
Dwarf birch is one of the model species extensivly used in studies about dwarf shrub growth dynamics. Because of the species range that crosses Latvia territory, it is important to look at dwarf birch growth dynamics and climate change impact on it. In Latvia, no cambium activity was observed in the oldest parts of dwarf birch, as these parts where located in the moss layer. Growth dynamics are unequal throughout the territory of Latvia, which is related to the influence of microclimate, topography, abiotic and biotic factors. Annual growth ring chronologies show the effect of changes in average air temperature in North – South gradient. Changes in climate indicate the impact of individual microclimate on annual growth ring width of each habitat.
Dwarf birch is one of the model species extensivly used in studies about dwarf shrub growth dynamics. Because of the species range that crosses Latvia territory, it is important to look at dwarf birch growth dynamics and climate change impact on it. In Latvia, no cambium activity was observed in the oldest parts of dwarf birch, as these parts where located in the moss layer. Growth dynamics are unequal throughout the territory of Latvia, which is related to the influence of microclimate, topography, abiotic and biotic factors. Annual growth ring chronologies show the effect of changes in average air temperature in North – South gradient. Changes in climate indicate the impact of individual microclimate on annual growth ring width of each habitat.
Bioloģija , Betula nana , augšanas dinamika , klimata izmaiņas , sīkkrūmi , gadskārtu platums