Līgatnes pilsētas telpiskās struktūras un sociālā attīstība
Šulca, Sigita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbs “Līgatnes pilsētas telpiskās struktūras un sociālā attīstība” ir pētījums
par sākotnēji industriālas pilsētas attīstības izmaiņām vēsturisku, ģeogrāfisku, politisku un
sociālu faktoru ietekmē gandrīz divsimt gadu periodā. Balstoties uz pētījuma rezultātiem
izstrādāti priekšlikumi pilsētas turpmākajai attīstībai.
Darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām. Pirmā nodaļa sniedz priekšstatu par pilsētu veidošanos
un klasifikāciju Latvijā, Līgatnes pilsētas veidošanās priekšnoteikumu kopumu, kā arī raksturo
Līgatnes pilsētas veidošanās posmus vēsturiskā skatījumā. Otrajā nodaļā apskatītas pilsētas
apdzīvojuma struktūras izmaiņas un analizēti izmaiņas ietekmējušie faktori, raksturotas
demogrāfiskās izmaiņas un analizēta pilsētvides kvalitātes izmaiņas. Trešajā nodaļā aprakstīti
pirms industriālo un industriālo pilsētu attīstības teorētiskie modeļi, kuri izmantoti lai analizētu
Līgatnes pilsētas attīstības etapus. Nodaļā nozīmīga sadaļa veltīta industriālā mantojuma nozīmes
un izmantošanas iespēju pilsētas attīstībā raksturošanai Latvijā un citās valstīs. Nodaļā “Līgatnes
pilsētas attīstības perspektīvas” izvērtēti attīstību veicinošie un bremzējošie faktori un balstoties
uz pilsētas iedzīvotāju vēlmēm, kā arī, ņemot vērā šīs pilsētas unikalitāti, izstrādāts autores
skatījumā Līgatnes pilsētas optimālais attīstības modelis.
Bakalaura darba izstrādei izmantoti literatūrā pieejamie zinātniski raksti par pilsētu
veidošanos un klasifikāciju, pirms industriālo un industriālo pilsētu ģeogrāfiskajiem modeļiem,
rūpniecisko teritoriju veidošanos un attīstību ASV, Kanādā un Rietumeiropā, Baltijas reģiona un
Latvijas mazo pilsētu īpatnībām un attīstības tendencēm. Līgatnes pilsētas vēsturiskās attīstības
izpētei izmantoti arhīvu un novadpētniecības nodaļas materiāli. Nozīmīgu daļu materiālu darba
izstrādei atvēlējuši Līgatnes iedzīvotāji. Līgatnes pilsētas apdzīvojuma struktūras un nākotnes
attīstības tendences kartogrāfiski attēlotas izmantojot Arc GIS programmu.
Bakalaura izstrādes laikā veicu literatūras studijas, materiālu apkopošanu un analizēšanu,
iedzīvotāju demogrāfisko statistikas datu apstrādi, karšu sagatavošanu izmantojot Arc GIS
programmu un lauka pētījumu metodi – Līgatnes pilsētas iedzīvotāju un iebraucēju aptauju par
ainavu tūrisma veicināšanu un pilsētas attīstību nākotnē un intervijas ar pilsētas domes vadību un
The bachelor paper “Spatial structure and social development of Ligatne city” is a study of the development changes of primary industrial city caused by historical, geographical, political and social factors during the period close to 200 years. Study are the basis for suggestions for further city development are elaborated. The work consists of four parts. The first chapter gives a view about the formation and classification of cities in Latvia, set of preconditions for forming Ligatne city, as well as characterisation of Ligatne city forming stages in historical view. In second chapter changes in the settling structure of the city are examined and factors that affect changes are analysed, there are characterised demographic changes and analysed quality changes of the city. In third chapter there are described theoretical before industrial and industrial development models of cities, which are used for analysing the development stages of Ligatne city. In this chapter a large part is devoted to the characterisation of the significance of industrial heritage and possibilities of it use in development of the city in Latvia and other countries. In chapter “The development perspectives of Ligatne city” supporting and preventing factors of the development are analysed and on the basis of desires of inhabitants, as well as taking into account the uniqueness of this city, an optimal development model for Ligatne city in the view of the author is elaborated. For the elaboration of the bachelor paper are used in literature available scientific publications about formation and classification of cities, before industrial and industrial city’s geographic models, formation and development of industrial areas in USA, Canada and Western Europe, features and development tendencies of Baltic region and Latvian small cities. For the investigation of the historical development of Ligatne city materials of archive and study of local lore collection are used. The inhabitants of Ligatne allocate a significant part of materials for work. The settling structure of Ligatne city and future development tendencies are cartographically shown using Arc GIS programme. During the elaboration of the bachelor paper I studied literature, aggregated and analysed materials, handled demographical statistical data of inhabitants, prepared maps using Arc GIS programme and field research methods, inquired inhabitants and visitors of Ligatne city about landscape tourism and city’s future development and interviewed city council leaders and inhabitants
The bachelor paper “Spatial structure and social development of Ligatne city” is a study of the development changes of primary industrial city caused by historical, geographical, political and social factors during the period close to 200 years. Study are the basis for suggestions for further city development are elaborated. The work consists of four parts. The first chapter gives a view about the formation and classification of cities in Latvia, set of preconditions for forming Ligatne city, as well as characterisation of Ligatne city forming stages in historical view. In second chapter changes in the settling structure of the city are examined and factors that affect changes are analysed, there are characterised demographic changes and analysed quality changes of the city. In third chapter there are described theoretical before industrial and industrial development models of cities, which are used for analysing the development stages of Ligatne city. In this chapter a large part is devoted to the characterisation of the significance of industrial heritage and possibilities of it use in development of the city in Latvia and other countries. In chapter “The development perspectives of Ligatne city” supporting and preventing factors of the development are analysed and on the basis of desires of inhabitants, as well as taking into account the uniqueness of this city, an optimal development model for Ligatne city in the view of the author is elaborated. For the elaboration of the bachelor paper are used in literature available scientific publications about formation and classification of cities, before industrial and industrial city’s geographic models, formation and development of industrial areas in USA, Canada and Western Europe, features and development tendencies of Baltic region and Latvian small cities. For the investigation of the historical development of Ligatne city materials of archive and study of local lore collection are used. The inhabitants of Ligatne allocate a significant part of materials for work. The settling structure of Ligatne city and future development tendencies are cartographically shown using Arc GIS programme. During the elaboration of the bachelor paper I studied literature, aggregated and analysed materials, handled demographical statistical data of inhabitants, prepared maps using Arc GIS programme and field research methods, inquired inhabitants and visitors of Ligatne city about landscape tourism and city’s future development and interviewed city council leaders and inhabitants