Heinriha Skujas privātbibliotēka LU Muzeja Botānikas un mikoloģijas kolekcijās
Kuzņecova, Kristīne
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Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja Botānikas un mikoloģijas kolekcijās Rīgā, Kronvalda bulvārī 4 esošās LU absolventa, biologa algologa Heinriha Skujas (1892–1972) privātbibliotēkas apraksts.
Description of the private library of latvian biologist algologist Heinrich Skuja (1892–1972), a graduate of the University of Latvia. Private library is located in Riga, at the Kronvalda Boulevard 4 in the Botany and Mycology collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia.
Description of the private library of latvian biologist algologist Heinrich Skuja (1892–1972), a graduate of the University of Latvia. Private library is located in Riga, at the Kronvalda Boulevard 4 in the Botany and Mycology collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia.
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Library and information science , Heinrihs Skuja , Heinrich Skuja , bibliotēka , library , periodiskie izdevumi , periodicals , monogrāfijas , monographs , algoloģija , algology