Iemācīšanās vecumgrupu atšķirības lēmuma pieņemšanas procesā „Monty Hall” dilemmā.
Ābele, Eduards
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot iemācīšanās atšķirības lēmuma pieņemšanā „Monty Hall” dilemmā starp pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem, skolniekiem un studentiem. Ir svarīgi uzzināt kā atšķirās lēmuma pieņemšanas stratēģijās un iemācīšanās ātrums „Monty Hall” dilemmā starp pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem vecumā no 4 līdz 5 gadiem, un no skolniekiem vecumā no 12 līdz 13 gadiem , un no studentiem vecumā no 24 līdz 25 gadiem. Tika apkopoti pētījumi par lēmuma pieņemšanu un iemācīšanos bērniem pirmsskolas vecumā, skolēniem un studentiem. Lēmuma pieņemšanas teorētiskais pamatojums tika izklāstīts normatīvajās un aprakstošajās teorijās. Iemācīšanās teorētiskais pamatojums tika izklāstīts galveno iemācīšanās teoriju aprakstā. Lēmuma pieņemšana un iemācīšanās pētījumā tika izskatīta no dažādiem skatu punktiem. Pētījuma empīriskie rezultāti parāda, ka pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības lēmuma pieņemšanas procesā starp bērniem pirmsskolas vecumā, skolniekiem un studentiem, un pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības iemācīšanās ātrumā starp pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem un studentiem, un tiem pētījuma dalībnieki, kuri tika intervēti pēc uzdevuma izpildes, un neizvēlējās optimālo stratēģiju „Monty Hall” dilemmā ir tendence skaidrot savu stratēģijas izvēli ar heiristikām. Iegūto rezultātu intepritāciju var praktiski pielietot skatoties uz to kā pirmsskolas vecuma bērni, skolnieki un studenti iemācās risināt jaunas lietas un pieņemt lēmumus.
Atslēgas vārdi: Lēmuma pieņemšana, iemācīšanās, pirmsskolas vecuma bērni, skolēni, studenti.
Aim of the study is to find out what is the difference in learning and decision-making in children of pre-school age, school children and students using “Monty Hall” dilemma. It is important to find out what is the difference between children from 4 to 5 years old, children from 12 to 13 years old and students from 24 to 25 years old in strategies that they use when they are solving “Monty Hall” dilemma and strategy learning speed. Many studies about pre-school children where explored. Decision-making theoretical foundation is presented in normative and descriptive theories. Theoretical foundation of learning is presented in different learning theories. Decision-making and learning has been explored from different angles. Empirical results of the study show that there is statistically significant difference in decision-making between pre-school children, school children and students. Results of the study show that there is statistically significant difference in learning speed between pre-school children and students. The participants of the study who were interviewed after the completion of the task, and did not choose the optimal strategy in “Monty Hall” dilemma tend to explain their choice of strategy with heuristics. The findings in the study can be used when pre-school children, school children and students learn new things and make their decisions. Keywords: Decision making, learning, pre-school children, school children, students.
Aim of the study is to find out what is the difference in learning and decision-making in children of pre-school age, school children and students using “Monty Hall” dilemma. It is important to find out what is the difference between children from 4 to 5 years old, children from 12 to 13 years old and students from 24 to 25 years old in strategies that they use when they are solving “Monty Hall” dilemma and strategy learning speed. Many studies about pre-school children where explored. Decision-making theoretical foundation is presented in normative and descriptive theories. Theoretical foundation of learning is presented in different learning theories. Decision-making and learning has been explored from different angles. Empirical results of the study show that there is statistically significant difference in decision-making between pre-school children, school children and students. Results of the study show that there is statistically significant difference in learning speed between pre-school children and students. The participants of the study who were interviewed after the completion of the task, and did not choose the optimal strategy in “Monty Hall” dilemma tend to explain their choice of strategy with heuristics. The findings in the study can be used when pre-school children, school children and students learn new things and make their decisions. Keywords: Decision making, learning, pre-school children, school children, students.