Bezpilota gaisa kuģu lietotāja civiltiesiskā atbildība un tās apdrošināšana.
Ābelīte, Linards
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pēdējo gadu laikā arvien aktuālāka kļuvusi tā saukto “dronu” jeb “bezpilota gaisa kuģu” izmantošana privātām vajadzībām, vienlaikus radot draudus sabiedrības drošībai, personu veselības, dzīvības un mantiskajām interesēm. Vadoties no speciālisti prognozēm, šo gaisa kuģu skaits debesīs tikai pieaugs. Tā rezultātā Latvijas Republikas Ministru Kabinets 2016. gadā ir pieņēmis “Bezpilota gaisa kuģu” normatīvo regulējumu un kopš 2018. gada 1. janvāra attiecīgiem bezpilota gaisa kuģu lietotājiem noteicis prasību apdrošināt savu civiltiesisko atbildību. Saprotot, ka katrs jauns regulējums ir ar savām nepilnībām, autors par savu darba mērķi noteicis (1) atklāt galvenos problēmjautājumus un regulējuma trūkumus, kuri saistīti ar bezpilota gaisa kuģu lietotāju civiltiesisko atbildību un tās apdrošināšanu; (2) sniegt iespējamus risinājumus veiksmīgāka regulējuma izveidē. Lai to sasniegtu autors veicis (1) padziļinātu bezpilota gaisa kuģa jēdziena izpēti, (2) to lietotāju civiltiesiskās atbildības iestāšanās priekšnoteikumu analīzi un (3) ar tās apdrošināšanu saistīto jautājumu noskaidrošanu. Darba noslēgumā secināms, ka (1) pastāvošais regulējums ir neskaidrs un objektīvi var radīt neizpratni kā normatīvā akta piemērotājam, tā regulējuma adresātiem; (2) ir nepieciešams pilnveidot regulējumu, konkretizējot civiltiesiskās atbildības konstatēšanā un tās apdrošināšanā būtiskos aspektus.
In recent years, the use of so-called "drones" or "pilotless aircraft" has become more and more topical for private purposes, while at the same time creating a threat to public safety, health, life and property interests of individuals. According to experts, the number of these aircraft in the skies will only increase. As a result, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia in 2016 adopted the regulatory framework for "Unmanned Aircraft" and, from 1 January 2018, has imposed on the respective users of pilotless aircraft the requirement to insure their civil liability. Realizing that each new regulation has its own imperfections, the author has set the goals for his work (1) to identify key issues and regulatory weaknesses related to the civil liability of pilotless aircraft users and its insurance; (2) to provide possible solutions for more successful regulation. To achieve the previously settled goals the author has made (1) a profound understanding of the notion of pilotless aircraft, (2) analysis of the preconditions for determining the civil liability of the users of the aircraft, and (3) clarifying matters relating to its insurance. In the conclusion of the work, it can be deduced that (1) the existing regulation is vague and objectively can create confusion to applicant of the normative act as well as to the addressees of the regulation; (2) it is necessary to improve the regulation by specifying the essential aspects of the determination of civil liability and its insurance.
In recent years, the use of so-called "drones" or "pilotless aircraft" has become more and more topical for private purposes, while at the same time creating a threat to public safety, health, life and property interests of individuals. According to experts, the number of these aircraft in the skies will only increase. As a result, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia in 2016 adopted the regulatory framework for "Unmanned Aircraft" and, from 1 January 2018, has imposed on the respective users of pilotless aircraft the requirement to insure their civil liability. Realizing that each new regulation has its own imperfections, the author has set the goals for his work (1) to identify key issues and regulatory weaknesses related to the civil liability of pilotless aircraft users and its insurance; (2) to provide possible solutions for more successful regulation. To achieve the previously settled goals the author has made (1) a profound understanding of the notion of pilotless aircraft, (2) analysis of the preconditions for determining the civil liability of the users of the aircraft, and (3) clarifying matters relating to its insurance. In the conclusion of the work, it can be deduced that (1) the existing regulation is vague and objectively can create confusion to applicant of the normative act as well as to the addressees of the regulation; (2) it is necessary to improve the regulation by specifying the essential aspects of the determination of civil liability and its insurance.
Juridiskā zinātne , bezpilota gaisa kuģis , drons , obligātā civiltiesiskās atbildības apdrošināšana , attālināti vadāms gaisa kuģis , Latvija