D vitamīna nepietiekamība kā viens no idiopātiskās skoliozes progresēšanas faktoriem bērniem 10-16 gadu vecumā
Rakļinska, Tatjana
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darbs “D vitamīna nepietiekamība kā viens no Idiopātiskās skoliozes progresēšanas faktoriem bērniem 10-16 gadu vecumā “, Tatjana Rakļinska. Darba vadītājs sertificēts mugurkaulāja ķirurgs un traumatologs ortopēds Dr. Jānis Osītis, 41 lpp., 19 attēli., 9 tabulas, 1 pielikums, 28 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. Pusaudžu idiopātiskā skolioze (AIS) ir trīs dimensiju mugurkaula deformācija . Lai gan AIS var progresēt augšanas laikā un radīt virsmas deformāciju, parasti tā nav simptomātiska. Tomēr pieaugušo vecumā, ja galīgais mugurkaula izliekums pārsniedz noteiktu kritisko slieksni, palielinās veselības problēmu un izliekuma progresēšanas risks. Diemžēl arī Covid-19 pandēmija ir ieviesusi savas korekcijas pusaudžu ikdienas aktivitātēs. Pandēmijas laikā bērni vairāk kā 8 stundas pavadīja iekštelpās, mācoties pie datora, līdz ar to ir pieaudzis arī skoliozes attīstības risks, jo bērni atradās ilgstošā piespiedu pozīcijā. Jo ilgāku laiku bērns pavada iekštelpās, jo lielāks ir D vitamīna deficīta risks. Ir veikti vairāki pētījumi par D vitamīna koncentrāciju asinīs, kā arī Kobba leņķa korelāciju pēc operācijām, bet nav veikti pētījumi par D vitamīna koncentrāciju asinīs ar Kobba leņķa korelāciju. Materiāli un metodes: Pētījuma dizains ir kvantitatīvs šķērsgriezuma pētījums, izstrādāts, lai izanalizētu datus par D vitamīna līmeņa koncentrāciju asinīs un tā saistību ar skoliozes progresiju. Populācijas izslēgšanas kritēriji: iedzimta skolioze, iedzimtas mugurkaula anomālijas, mugurkaula traumas, endokrīnās un gremošanas sistēmas saslimšanas, audzēji. Pētījums tika veikts saskaņā ar Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultātes pētījumu ētikas komitejas ATZINUMU Nr. 19-25/72 . Lai sasniegtu pētījuma mērķi un varētu pilnvērtīgi izvērtēt pētījumā izvirzīta hipotēze par D3 vitamīna trūkuma negatīvo ietekmi. Lai iegūtu informāciju izpētei, tika izmantotas sekojošās pētījuma metodes: no pacientu kartiņām tika iegūti dati par vecumu, dzimumu un diagnozi , kura SSK klasifikācijā atbilst diagnozei М41.1, no DATAMED. datu blūzes tika iegūti dati par rentgenoloģiskiem izmeklējumiem un D vitamīna asins analīzi Dati tika analizēti ar dažādam statistikas metodēm. Dati tika apkopoti un apstrādāti izmantojot datorprogrammu Microsoft Excel izklājlapas un IBM SPSS Statistics 27 programmas. Datu atbilstību normālajam sadalījumam tika noteikta ar atbilstošo korelācijas analīzi , nosakot korelācijas koeficientus un p vērtības iegūtajiem koeficientiem.
The title of present work: " Vitamin D deficiency as one of the factors affecting idiopathic scoliosis progression in adolescents aged 10 to 16. “, Tatjana Rakļinska. Supervisor: Doctor Jānis Osītis, MD, 41 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables, 1 appendices, 28 references. In Latvian. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine. Although AIS can progress during growth and cause surface deformities, it is usually not symptomatic. However, in adulthood, if the final curvature of the spine exceeds a certain critical threshold, the risk of health problems and curvature progression increases. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has also introduced its own adjustments in the daily activities of adolescents. During the pandemic, children spent more than 8 hours indoors sitting in front of a computer studying, which increased the risk of developing scoliosis as children were in a prolonged forced position. The more time a child spends indoors, the higher the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Several studies have been carried out on vitamin D blood concentrations, Cobb angle correlation after surgery, but no studies have been carried out on vitamin D blood concentrations with Cobb angle correlation. Materials and methods: The study design is a quantitative cross-sectional study, designed to analyse data on blood vitamin D concentrations and their association with scoliosis progression. Population exclusion criteria: congenital scoliosis, congenital spinal anomalies, spinal trauma, endocrine and digestive diseases, tumours. The study was carried out in accordance with the University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Research Ethics Committee REPORT No 19-25/72. In order to achieve the aim of the study and to be able to fully evaluate the study, the hypothesis of the negative effects of vitamin D3 deficiency was put forward. To obtain information for the study, the following research methods were used: data on age, sex and diagnosis corresponding to diagnosis M41.1 in the ICD classification were obtained from patient charts; data on radiological examinations and vitamin D blood analysis were obtained from the datamed.lv The data were analysed using different statistical methods. The data were collected and processed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and IBM SPSS Statistics 27 software. The conformity of the data with a normal distribution was determined by means of an appropriate correlation analysis, by determining the correlation coefficients and p values for the resulting coefficients.
The title of present work: " Vitamin D deficiency as one of the factors affecting idiopathic scoliosis progression in adolescents aged 10 to 16. “, Tatjana Rakļinska. Supervisor: Doctor Jānis Osītis, MD, 41 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables, 1 appendices, 28 references. In Latvian. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine. Although AIS can progress during growth and cause surface deformities, it is usually not symptomatic. However, in adulthood, if the final curvature of the spine exceeds a certain critical threshold, the risk of health problems and curvature progression increases. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has also introduced its own adjustments in the daily activities of adolescents. During the pandemic, children spent more than 8 hours indoors sitting in front of a computer studying, which increased the risk of developing scoliosis as children were in a prolonged forced position. The more time a child spends indoors, the higher the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Several studies have been carried out on vitamin D blood concentrations, Cobb angle correlation after surgery, but no studies have been carried out on vitamin D blood concentrations with Cobb angle correlation. Materials and methods: The study design is a quantitative cross-sectional study, designed to analyse data on blood vitamin D concentrations and their association with scoliosis progression. Population exclusion criteria: congenital scoliosis, congenital spinal anomalies, spinal trauma, endocrine and digestive diseases, tumours. The study was carried out in accordance with the University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Research Ethics Committee REPORT No 19-25/72. In order to achieve the aim of the study and to be able to fully evaluate the study, the hypothesis of the negative effects of vitamin D3 deficiency was put forward. To obtain information for the study, the following research methods were used: data on age, sex and diagnosis corresponding to diagnosis M41.1 in the ICD classification were obtained from patient charts; data on radiological examinations and vitamin D blood analysis were obtained from the datamed.lv The data were analysed using different statistical methods. The data were collected and processed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and IBM SPSS Statistics 27 software. The conformity of the data with a normal distribution was determined by means of an appropriate correlation analysis, by determining the correlation coefficients and p values for the resulting coefficients.
Medicīna , Idiopātiskā skolioze, 25(OH)D3 līmeņa koncentrācija asinīs, Kobba leņķis, korelācijā , 25(OH)D3 , Koncentrācija , Kobba leņķis , Kolerācija