Statistikas elementi vidusskolas matemātikas kursā
Pundure, Ieva
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarbā „Statistikas elementi vidusskolas matemātikas kursā” ir divas nodaļas. Pirmajā nodaļā aplūkots tēmas „Statistikas elementi” standarts pamatskolai un vidusskolai. Izstrādāts tēmas „Statistikas elementi vidusskolas matemātikas kursā” tematiskais plāns. Otrajā nodaļā izveidots atbalsta materiāls skolotājiem. Izstrādāts katras stundas teorētiskais materiāls, pārbaudes darbi un to atrisinājumi, pētnieciskais darbs un spēle „Statistikas elementi”.
The diploma paper „Statistical Elements in Secondary School Mathematics Course” consist of two parts. In the first part it is dealt with the Standard of Elementary and Secondary school topic „Statistic elements”. Curriculum of topic „Statistical elements in Secondary Schools Mathematics Course” is developed. In the second part supportive material for teachers is created. Theoretical material for each lesson, tests and their solutions, research work „The New Chemist” and game „Statistic elements” are developed.
The diploma paper „Statistical Elements in Secondary School Mathematics Course” consist of two parts. In the first part it is dealt with the Standard of Elementary and Secondary school topic „Statistic elements”. Curriculum of topic „Statistical elements in Secondary Schools Mathematics Course” is developed. In the second part supportive material for teachers is created. Theoretical material for each lesson, tests and their solutions, research work „The New Chemist” and game „Statistic elements” are developed.