2013. gada vasaras un rudens fitoplanktons Rīgas līcī, Baltijas jūras atklātajā daļā
Šešo, Pēteris
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šajā darbā tika analizēta literatūra un veikts pētījums par fitoplanktona sukcesiju un to ietekmējošiem faktoriem (ūdens temperatūra, sāļums un biogēno elementu daudzums).
Pētījumā salīdzināta fitoplanktona biomasa un to ietekmējošie faktori Rīgas līcī un Baltijas jūras atklātajā daļā 2013. gada vasaras un rudens periodā. Paraugi tika ievākti sešās dažādās stacijās, no kurām trīs atradās Rīgas līcī un trīs Baltijas jūras atklātajā daļā.
Tika konstatēts, ka vasaras periodā, kad dominēja cianobaktērijas, starp Rīgas līci un Baltijas jūras atklāto daļu nepastāvēja būtiskas atšķirības fitoplanktona sastāvā un to ietekmējošajos faktoros, bet rudenī Rīgas līcī tika novērota būtiski augstāka kramaļģu dominēšana nekā Baltijas jūras atklātajā daļā, ko galvenokārt varētu skaidrot ar nepietiekamo slāpekļa (DIN) daudzumu Baltijas jūras atklātajā daļā.
In this work was analysed literature and was made research about phytoplankton succesion and its controlling factors as water temperature, salinity and amount of biogens. Phytoplankton biomass and environmental factors were compared between Gulf of Riga and Open Baltic Sea in summer and autumn 2013. There was six sampling stations and in each station was taken six samples during the research period. Three of the stations was located in Gulf of Riga and three in Open Baltic Sea. In summer when dominant phytoplankton group was cyanobacteria, there was no significant difference between phytoplankton biomas and its controlling factors in Gulf of Riga and Open Baltic Sea. In autumn in Gulf of Riga there was significantly higher biomas of diatoms than it was in Open Baltic Sea and that was explained by nitrogen (DIN) limitation in Open Baltic Sea.
In this work was analysed literature and was made research about phytoplankton succesion and its controlling factors as water temperature, salinity and amount of biogens. Phytoplankton biomass and environmental factors were compared between Gulf of Riga and Open Baltic Sea in summer and autumn 2013. There was six sampling stations and in each station was taken six samples during the research period. Three of the stations was located in Gulf of Riga and three in Open Baltic Sea. In summer when dominant phytoplankton group was cyanobacteria, there was no significant difference between phytoplankton biomas and its controlling factors in Gulf of Riga and Open Baltic Sea. In autumn in Gulf of Riga there was significantly higher biomas of diatoms than it was in Open Baltic Sea and that was explained by nitrogen (DIN) limitation in Open Baltic Sea.