Kokneses apkārtnes dabas un kultūras pieminekļi tūrisma literatūrā no 1920.gada līdz 1965.gadam
Ādamsone, Ieva
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt Kokneses dabas un kultūras pieminekļu atspoguļojumu tūrisma literatūrā laikā no 1920. gada līdz 1965. gadam.
Par Kokneses teritoriju ir veikti novadpētnieciski pētījumi un ir izdota tūrisma literatūra, kas ietver sevī tūrisma maršrutus, kartes un aprakstus, kuri vēl šodien sniedz izsmeļošu liecinājumu par Kokneses apkārtni un tūristu vēlmi šo vietu apskatīt un izzināt.
Darbs sniedz priekšstatu par pieprasītākajiem tūrisma objektiem Kokneses apkārtnē izvēlētajā laika periodā un par tūrisma attīstību starpkaru periodā Latvijā un Koknesē.
Darba rezultātā noskaidrots, ka to karu dēļ, kas skāruši Latvijas teritoriju un Koknesi, tai ir nācies daudz ciest. Tomēr starpkaru periodos ir manāma aktivitāte tūristu organizāciju darbībā, tūrisma kustībā. To ir veicinājusi pieejamā tūrisma literatūra. Apkārtne un kultūras un dabas pieminekļi tiek sakopti un atjaunoti, un tiek darīts viss iespējamais, lai cilvēki varētu no jauna apbrīnot Kokneses skaistumu.
Aim of bachelor is to get know and explore Kokneses natural and cultural monuments in tourism literature in the period from 1920 to 1965. Regional studies have been take about Kokneses area and there has been published travel literature, which includes tour itineraries, maps and descriptions, which still provides an exhaustive testified about Kokneses beauty and tourist desire to explore and visit this place. Conclusion - due to the wars that have gone over Latvian territory, Kokneses have had to suffer many things and be ruined. However, in the interwar period there are noticeable activity in tourism organizations, as well as for tourists, because environment and cultural and natural sites are cleaned up and restored. Is done so that people can admire beauty of Koknese again.
Aim of bachelor is to get know and explore Kokneses natural and cultural monuments in tourism literature in the period from 1920 to 1965. Regional studies have been take about Kokneses area and there has been published travel literature, which includes tour itineraries, maps and descriptions, which still provides an exhaustive testified about Kokneses beauty and tourist desire to explore and visit this place. Conclusion - due to the wars that have gone over Latvian territory, Kokneses have had to suffer many things and be ruined. However, in the interwar period there are noticeable activity in tourism organizations, as well as for tourists, because environment and cultural and natural sites are cleaned up and restored. Is done so that people can admire beauty of Koknese again.