Smago metālu saturs rapšu eļļā
Skudrovs, Rostislavs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbā ir apkopota literatūra par augu eļļām, to ķīmiskām īpašībām. Īpaša uzmanība veltīta rapšu eļļai, tās īpašībām un ieguves perspektīvām. Raksturots vides un pārtikas piesārņojums ar smagiem metāliskiem elementiem (svinu, kadmiju, dzīvsudrabu, varu, cinku).
Ar liesmas atomabsorbciometru noteikta smago metālisko elementu koncentrācija rapšu eļļā, izejvielās un blakusproduktos.
In this work are summarized literature references about vegetal oils and its chemical properties. Most of all attention been focused on rape oil, it’s properties and produce perspectives. Characterized environment and food polution with heavy metals (lead, cadmim, mercury, copper, zinc). By flame atomic absorption was detected heavy metals elements concentration in rape oil, in rape seed and sideproducts.
In this work are summarized literature references about vegetal oils and its chemical properties. Most of all attention been focused on rape oil, it’s properties and produce perspectives. Characterized environment and food polution with heavy metals (lead, cadmim, mercury, copper, zinc). By flame atomic absorption was detected heavy metals elements concentration in rape oil, in rape seed and sideproducts.