Furazidīna stabilitāte šķīdumos
Bērziņš, Kārlis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Furazidīna stabilitāte šķīdumos. Bērziņš K., zinātniskais vadītājs Prof. Dr. ķīm. Andris Actiņš, konsultants Mag. ķīm. Ilze Grante, Maģistra darbs, 41 lapaspuse, 21 attēls, 8 tabulas, 43 literatūras avoti, 4 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā.
Literatūras apskatā apkopota informācija par farmaceitiski aktīvo vielu degradāciju un to pētīšanas metodēm šķīdumos – UV/VIS spektroskopiju un augsti efektīvo šķīdrumu hromatogrāfiju-masspektrometriju; kompleksu sistēmu reakciju kinētiku homogēnā vidē. Veikti spektroskopiski furazidīna degradācijas pētījumi etanolā un bāziskos ūdens šķīdumos; hromatogrāfiski pētīta furazidīna bāzisku ūdens šķīdumu degradācijas dinamika un veikta komponentu kvalitatīvā analīze, izmantojot masspektrometriju; ar Runges-Kutas metodi noteikti furazidīna etanola un bāzisku ūdens šķīdumu degradācijas kinētiskie modeļi un noteikti procesa kinētiskie parametri.
Stability of furazidin in solutions. Bērziņš K., supervisor Prof. Dr. chem. Andris Actiņš, consultant Mag. chem. Ilze Grante, Master’s thesis, 41 pages, 21 images, 8 tables, 43 literature references, 4 appendices. In Latvian. The literatures survey summarizes information about the pharmaceutically active ingredients and the methods for investigation of their degradation in solutions – UV/VIS spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; the kinetics of complex systems in homogeneous environment. The spectroscopic degradation process of furazidin in ethanol medium and aqueous alkaline solutions was studied; the degradation dynamics of furazidin aqueous alkaline solutions was investigated using chromatography and the mass spectrometry was used for qualitative analysis; Runge – Kutta method was applied to obtain kinetic model and kinetic parameters of furazidin degradation process.
Stability of furazidin in solutions. Bērziņš K., supervisor Prof. Dr. chem. Andris Actiņš, consultant Mag. chem. Ilze Grante, Master’s thesis, 41 pages, 21 images, 8 tables, 43 literature references, 4 appendices. In Latvian. The literatures survey summarizes information about the pharmaceutically active ingredients and the methods for investigation of their degradation in solutions – UV/VIS spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; the kinetics of complex systems in homogeneous environment. The spectroscopic degradation process of furazidin in ethanol medium and aqueous alkaline solutions was studied; the degradation dynamics of furazidin aqueous alkaline solutions was investigated using chromatography and the mass spectrometry was used for qualitative analysis; Runge – Kutta method was applied to obtain kinetic model and kinetic parameters of furazidin degradation process.