Hipoksēmijas loma kardiorespiratoro funkciju adaptācijā fiziskai slodzei un akūtai hipoksijai
Lūsa, Vieda
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Latvijas Universitāte
Hipoksija rada pozitīvu efektu uz organisma adaptāciju augstkalnei un slodzei. Hipoksēmijas kā ķīmijreceptoru stimula loma kardiorespiratoro funkciju adaptācijā fiziskai slodzei un akūtai hipoksijai ir neskaidra. Tāpēc maģistra darbā tika novērtēta kardiorespiratoro parametru reakcija uz dažādas pakāpes akūtu normobārisku hipoksiju miera stāvoklī, veloergometriskas submaksimālas slodzes laikā, kā arī pēcslodzes atjaunošanās periodā. Iegūtie rezultāti rāda, ka hipoksēmija ir viens no, bet nav primārais signāls, kas veicina kardiorespiratoro funkciju aktivāciju slodzē hipoksiskos apstākļos; hipoksiska slodze rada hipoksijas pakāpei proporcionālu parasimpātisko aizkavi pēc slodzes, taču šīs aizkaves iemesls nav hipoksēmija.
Atslēgas vārdi: akūta hipoksija, hipoksēmija, kardiorespiratorie parametri, veloergometriska slodze, pēcslodzes atjaunošanās
Hypoxia has a positive effect on body's adaptation to high-altitude and exercise. Hypoxemia stimulates the chemoreflex, but its importance in body’s adaptation to exercise and acute hypoxia is unclear. Therefore, the master’s thesis “Role of hypoxemia in cardiorespiratory adaptation to exercise and intermittent hypoxia“ studies the reaction of cardiorespiratory parameters to various severity of acute normobaric hypoxia at rest, during veloergometric submaximal exercise and postexercise recovery. The results show that hypoxemia is one of, but not the primary signal that promotes the cardiorespiratory adaptation to exercise in hypoxic conditions, hypoxic exercise delays parasympathetic reactivation, but this delay is not due to hypoxemia. Keywords: acute hypoxia, hypoxemia, cardiorespiratory parameters, veloergometric exercise, postexercise recovery
Hypoxia has a positive effect on body's adaptation to high-altitude and exercise. Hypoxemia stimulates the chemoreflex, but its importance in body’s adaptation to exercise and acute hypoxia is unclear. Therefore, the master’s thesis “Role of hypoxemia in cardiorespiratory adaptation to exercise and intermittent hypoxia“ studies the reaction of cardiorespiratory parameters to various severity of acute normobaric hypoxia at rest, during veloergometric submaximal exercise and postexercise recovery. The results show that hypoxemia is one of, but not the primary signal that promotes the cardiorespiratory adaptation to exercise in hypoxic conditions, hypoxic exercise delays parasympathetic reactivation, but this delay is not due to hypoxemia. Keywords: acute hypoxia, hypoxemia, cardiorespiratory parameters, veloergometric exercise, postexercise recovery