Apstrādes, izturēšanas apstākļu un blakus vielu ietekme uz farmaceitiski aktīvo cietvielu fāžu pārejām
Krūkle-Bērziņa, Kristīne
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Latvijas Universitāte
Doktora disertācija veltīta cietfāžu pāreju kinētikas pētīšanai un tās ietekmējošo faktoru apzināšanai. Par pētāmajiem objektiem izvēlētas farmaceitiski aktīvās vielas, kuru cietfāžu pārejas kinētikas pētījumiem ir ne tikai fundamentāla, bet arī praktiska nozīmē. Fāžu pāreju kinētika pētīta ne tikai vienstadijas procesiem kā polimorfs → polimorfs, bet arī sarežģītākiem procesiem, kuri notiek vai nu ar starpstadijas veidošanos, vai ar divām paralēlām pārejām procesa sākumā. Darbā pētītas ne tikai sarežģītas fāžu pārejas, bet arī dažādi komplicēti pārejas ietekmējošie faktori, izpētot pildvielu ietekmi uz termodinamiski nestabilās formas stabilitāti un fāžu pārejas ātrumu, kā arī paaugstināta spiediena ietekmi uz kristālisko formu stabilitāti.
In this doctoral thesis kinetic of solid phase transition and factors affecting it is researched and identified. As a research object pharmaceutical compounds are selected as investigation of their phase transition kinetic has not only fundamental but also practical significance. The phase transition kinetics is investigated for one-step processes as polymorph → polymorph as well as for more complicated phase transitions occurring with the formation of an intermediate phase or two parallel phase transitions. In this thesis not only complicated phase transitions but also complicated factors affecting these transitions are investigated, by exploring the effect of excipients on the stability and the phase transition rate of the thermodynamically unstable form, as well as the effect of high pressure on the stability of the crystalline forms.
In this doctoral thesis kinetic of solid phase transition and factors affecting it is researched and identified. As a research object pharmaceutical compounds are selected as investigation of their phase transition kinetic has not only fundamental but also practical significance. The phase transition kinetics is investigated for one-step processes as polymorph → polymorph as well as for more complicated phase transitions occurring with the formation of an intermediate phase or two parallel phase transitions. In this thesis not only complicated phase transitions but also complicated factors affecting these transitions are investigated, by exploring the effect of excipients on the stability and the phase transition rate of the thermodynamically unstable form, as well as the effect of high pressure on the stability of the crystalline forms.
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Ķīmija , Ķīmija, ķīmijas tehnoloģijas un biotehnoloģija