Kardiorespiratora adaptācija submaksimālas jaudas slodzei un normobāriskai hipoksijai
Āboliņš, Andris
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot akūtas mērenas (pO2 = 15 %) hipoksijas un fiziskas slodzes radītas hipoksēmijas ietekmi uz sirdsdarbību un plaušu ventilāciju.
Veloergometriskas slodzes testu normoksijā un hipoksijā veica 10 sievietes un 12 vīrieši ar vidējo vecumu 22 ± 1gads un 21 ± 1gads, svaru 60.6 ± 9.2kg un 78.7 ± 5.6kg, augumu 1.69 ± 0.06m un 1.81 ± 0.11m. Datu reģistrēšanai izmantots kardiopulmonārais aparāts, veloergometrs, finopress, hipoksikātors, hemoglobīna koncentrācijas mērītājs.
Pētījumā izmantotais hipoksijas modelis izraisa arteriālo hipoksēmiju gan mierā, gan slodzēs. Veiktajās submaksimālajās slodzēs tā ir pietiekoša, lai provocētu ventilācijas ķīmijrefleksu, bet nepietiekoša, lai provocētu kardio-vaskulāro ķīmijrefleksu.
Atslēgasvārdi: normoksija, hipoksija, ķīmijrefleksi, hipoksiskā ventilatorā reakcija
Aim of the Master thesis is to identify effect of acute moderate (pO2=15%) hypoxia and physical stress caused hypoxemia to the heart and ventilation. Women (n=10) and 12 men mean (±s.e.m.) age, weight, height were 22 ± 1 and 21 ± 1 years, 60.6 ± 9.2kg and 78.7 ± 5.6kg, 1.69 ± 0.06m and 1.81 ± 0.11m. Subjects carried out veloergometric load at normoxia and acute normobaric hypoxia. Cardiopulmonary system, veloergometer, finometer, hypoxicator, hemoglobin concentration measuring instrument were used for physiological parameter registration. Hypoxic model used in the research induces arterial hypoxemia at rest conditions and exercise. Hypoxemia at submaximal load is sufficient to provoke chemoreflex of ventilation but not sufficient to provoke cardio-vascular chemoreflex. Keywords: normoxia, hypoxia, chemoreflex, hypoxic ventilator response
Aim of the Master thesis is to identify effect of acute moderate (pO2=15%) hypoxia and physical stress caused hypoxemia to the heart and ventilation. Women (n=10) and 12 men mean (±s.e.m.) age, weight, height were 22 ± 1 and 21 ± 1 years, 60.6 ± 9.2kg and 78.7 ± 5.6kg, 1.69 ± 0.06m and 1.81 ± 0.11m. Subjects carried out veloergometric load at normoxia and acute normobaric hypoxia. Cardiopulmonary system, veloergometer, finometer, hypoxicator, hemoglobin concentration measuring instrument were used for physiological parameter registration. Hypoxic model used in the research induces arterial hypoxemia at rest conditions and exercise. Hypoxemia at submaximal load is sufficient to provoke chemoreflex of ventilation but not sufficient to provoke cardio-vascular chemoreflex. Keywords: normoxia, hypoxia, chemoreflex, hypoxic ventilator response