Tūrisma attīstības iespējas Jaunpils pagastā
Čerepenko, Zita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pēdējās desmitgadēs transporta saimniecība ieņem arvien lielāku nozīmi Rīgas
aglomerācijā. Aktuālas kļūst satiksmes problēmas. Viens no satiksmes problēmu
risinājumiem ir dzelzceļa transporta attīstība, kas atslogotu Rīgas ielas no automašīnu
Pasažieru pārvadājumu pa dzelzceļu uzdevums ir nodrošināt lielu pasažieru
plūsmu apkalpošanu. Neskatoties uz ievērojamiem pasažieru zudumiem 1990.gados,
sākot ar 2002.gadu pasažieru pārvadājumi pakāpeniski sāka pieaugt.
Pētījuma galvenais uzdevums ir analizēt, kāda loma ir dzelzceļa transportam
pasažieru pārvadājumos, kāda ir dzelzceļa pasažieru pārvadājumu slodze un plūsmas
Rīgas pilsētā un reģionā un kādas ir darba svārstmigrantu īpatsvars šajās pārvadājumu
Pētījums sastāv no 4 nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek raksturota dzelzceļa
attīstība Latvijā. Otrajā nodaļā tiek apskatīti pasažieru pārvadājumu pa dzelzceļu
esošā situācija, problemātika, iespējamie risinājumi. Trešā nodaļa ir veltīta pasažieru
pārvadājumiem pa dzelzceļu Rīgas pilsētā. Ceturtajā nodaļā tiek analizēti dzelzceļa
posmi Rīga – Skulte, Rīga – Līgatne, Rīga – Ērgļi, Rīga – Aizkraukle, Rīga – Jelgava
un Rīga – Tukums.
Atslēgvārdi: dzelzceļa attīstība, pasažieru pārvadājumi, darba svārstmigranti.
During the past days the transportation economy is becoming much significant for aglomeration of Riga. The problems of transportation becomes very actual. One of the possibilities to way out of these problems could be the development of railway transportation, which would protect Riga city from cars abundance. The task of passenger railway is to provide larger passenger flow. Although in 1990 years the number of passengers was remarkably decreasing, in 2002 year was occurred opposed process. The main task of research is to analyse the rule of railway passenger transportation, to clarify passenger transportation loads and flows in Riga city and region and find out the proportion of push-pull migration in these flows. The research consist from 4 units. In the first unit there is overview of railway transportation development in Latvia. In the next unit there is overview of railway transportation existing situation, problems and possible way to improve railway transportation. The third unit is devoted to railway transportation in Riga city. And in the forth unit there is analysis of railway transportation in Riga region: Riga – Skulte, Riga – Ligatne, Riga – Ergli, Riga – Aizkraukle, Riga – Jelgava and Riga – Tukums. Keywords: development of railway, passengers transportations, push-pull migration.
During the past days the transportation economy is becoming much significant for aglomeration of Riga. The problems of transportation becomes very actual. One of the possibilities to way out of these problems could be the development of railway transportation, which would protect Riga city from cars abundance. The task of passenger railway is to provide larger passenger flow. Although in 1990 years the number of passengers was remarkably decreasing, in 2002 year was occurred opposed process. The main task of research is to analyse the rule of railway passenger transportation, to clarify passenger transportation loads and flows in Riga city and region and find out the proportion of push-pull migration in these flows. The research consist from 4 units. In the first unit there is overview of railway transportation development in Latvia. In the next unit there is overview of railway transportation existing situation, problems and possible way to improve railway transportation. The third unit is devoted to railway transportation in Riga city. And in the forth unit there is analysis of railway transportation in Riga region: Riga – Skulte, Riga – Ligatne, Riga – Ergli, Riga – Aizkraukle, Riga – Jelgava and Riga – Tukums. Keywords: development of railway, passengers transportations, push-pull migration.