Dimedona kondensācijas reakcijas ar aromātiskiem aldehīdiem jonu šķidrumos
Kamerāde, Kristīne
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbā pētīta 5,5-dimetil-1,3-cikoheksāndiona (dimedona) un dažādu aldehīdu kondensācijas jonu šķidrumos. Apskatītas jonu šķidrumu īpašības un to izmantošanas iespējas augšminētajā kondensācijas reakcijās. Darbā pētītas dimedona un aldehīdu kondensācijas reakcijas iznākuma paaugstināšanas iespējas un kondensācijas produktu struktūra. Produktu identificēšanai noteiktas kušanas temperatūras, uzņemti infrasarkanie (IS) un kodolmagnētiskās rezonanses (KMR) spektri.
ondensation reactions of dimedone with aromatic aldehydes in ionic liquids have been studied. Characteristics of ionic liquids and their use in condensation reactions have been examined. Possibility of increase condensation reaction yields and the structure of the condensation products have been studied. In order to identify the products, melting point, infrared (IS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used.
ondensation reactions of dimedone with aromatic aldehydes in ionic liquids have been studied. Characteristics of ionic liquids and their use in condensation reactions have been examined. Possibility of increase condensation reaction yields and the structure of the condensation products have been studied. In order to identify the products, melting point, infrared (IS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used.