Sodi un apbalvojumi skolā un to atspoguļojums latviešu autoru prozas darbos no 1870.gada līdz 1940.gadam
Ābeltiņa, Kristīne
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kristīnes Ābeltiņas maģistra darba temats ir „Sodi un apbalvojumi skolā un to atspoguļojums latviešu autoru prozā no 1870.gada līdz 1940.gadam.
Darbā tiek analizēti dažādi sodu un apbalvojumu veidi skolā, kā arī to atspoguļojums latviešu prozā līdz 20. gs. sākumam. Tiek izvirzīti nosacījumi, kas noteikuši, vai skolās sodi lietoti, vai nē.
Pētījuma pirmajā un otrajā nodaļā ir apkopota informācija par sodiem un apbalvojumiem, to būtību, pamatojoties uz J.A. Komenska, Dž. Loka, J.A. Studenta, Foerstera, V. Zelmeņa, J. Skurbes, J. Borthardta, A. Matthiasa teoriju par sodiem un apbalvojumiem. Ir apkopoti arī laikā no 1870.g. līdz 1940.g. latviešu presē paustie uzskati par sodiem un apbalvojumiem.
Darba trešajā un ceturtajā nodaļā ir apkopota avotu analīze par sodu izmantošanu skolās Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša, Jāņa Poruka, Sudrabu Edžus, Valda, Reiņa un Matīsa Kaudzīšu, Apsīšu Jēkaba, Bebru Jura, Anša Lerha – Puškaiša, Vizmas Belševicas, Jāņa Plauža un Annas Brigaderes, prozas darbos.
Atslēgvārdi: sodi, apbalvojumi, latviešu proza, skola 19. gadsimtā.
The title of Kristīne Ābeltiņa’s Master’s Thesis is: Awards and Punishments in Schools and Their Reference in the Latvian Prose Works from year 1870. till year 1940. This research work analyzes different forms of punishments and awards in schools, reasons, why punishments and awards have been used in schools as well as it presents references to them in the Latvian prose works up to beginning of 20th century. The first and second parts of this research work summarize information about the essence of punishments and awards, based on theories of J.A. Komenskis, Dž. Loks, J.A. Students, Foersters, V. Zelmenis, J. Skurbe, J. Borthardts, A. Matthiass. These parts also sum up the information on this topic in Latvian press from the year 1870 till year. The third and fourth parts contain analysis of the prose works on the topic of such authors as Ernesta Birznieks-Upitis, Jānis Poruks, Sudrabu Edžus, Valdis, Reinis and Matīss Kaudzīte, Apsīšu Jēkabs, Bebru Juris, Ansis Lerhs – Puškaitis, Vizma Belševica, Jānis Plaudis and Anna Brigadere. Key Words: awards, punishments, Latvian prose, school in 19th century
The title of Kristīne Ābeltiņa’s Master’s Thesis is: Awards and Punishments in Schools and Their Reference in the Latvian Prose Works from year 1870. till year 1940. This research work analyzes different forms of punishments and awards in schools, reasons, why punishments and awards have been used in schools as well as it presents references to them in the Latvian prose works up to beginning of 20th century. The first and second parts of this research work summarize information about the essence of punishments and awards, based on theories of J.A. Komenskis, Dž. Loks, J.A. Students, Foersters, V. Zelmenis, J. Skurbe, J. Borthardts, A. Matthiass. These parts also sum up the information on this topic in Latvian press from the year 1870 till year. The third and fourth parts contain analysis of the prose works on the topic of such authors as Ernesta Birznieks-Upitis, Jānis Poruks, Sudrabu Edžus, Valdis, Reinis and Matīss Kaudzīte, Apsīšu Jēkabs, Bebru Juris, Ansis Lerhs – Puškaitis, Vizma Belševica, Jānis Plaudis and Anna Brigadere. Key Words: awards, punishments, Latvian prose, school in 19th century