Līdera kā padomdevēja un dinamiskas darba prakses ietekme uz uzņēmumu dinamisko transformāciju
Janowski, Nurgul
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Latvijas Universitāte
Aizvien straujāk mainoties tirgiem, produktiem, tehnoloģijām un uzņēmējdarbības modeļiem, uzņēmuma spēja mainīties kļūst par izšķirošu veiksmes faktoru. Dinamiska darba prakse nodrošina uzņēmumiem nepieciešamo elastību, lai ātri pielāgotos mainīgajam tirgum. Dinamiskajai transformācijai uzņēmuma mērogā ir jānodrošina, lai visas biznesa struktūras, sākot no uzņēmējdarbības stratēģijas definēšanas līdz pat darbības īstenošanai, darbotos dinamiski. Promocijas darba mērķis ir precizēt līderu tipus un dinamisko darbu dinamiskās transformācijas sistēmā un apstiprināt, ka līderis pārsvarā padomdevēja lomā un dinamiska darba prakse ietekmē dinamisko transformāciju. Uz mērķi pamatotā galvenā hipotēze ir šāda: līderis pārsvarā kā padomdevējs un dinamiska darba prakse ietekmē uzņēmumu dinamisko transformāciju. Hipotēze ir apstiprināta, pamatojoties uz kvalitatīvo un kvantitatīvo pētījumu. Atslēgvārdi: lielie uzņēmumi, dinamiskas pārmaiņas, līderības veidi, padomdevējs kā līderis, dinamiska darba prakse, autokrātisks līderis.
The increasing speed at which markets, products, technologies and business models change, means that a company's ability to change becomes a critical success factor. Agile work practice offers companies the needed flexibility to adapt quickly to the volatile market. A company-wide agile transformation has to ensure that all business units, from the definition of a business strategy to operational implementation work in an agile manner. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to ensure characteristics of leadership types and agile work practice in the agile transformation framework and to determine the influence of predominantly leader as a coach and agile work practice to agile transformation. Dervied from the aim the main hypothesis is as follows: consideration of a leader predominantly as a coach and agile work practice influences the agile transformation in companies. The hypothesis has been confirmed based on qualitative and quantitative research. Keywords: big companies, agile transformation, leadership types, coach as a leader, agile work practice, autocratic leader.
The increasing speed at which markets, products, technologies and business models change, means that a company's ability to change becomes a critical success factor. Agile work practice offers companies the needed flexibility to adapt quickly to the volatile market. A company-wide agile transformation has to ensure that all business units, from the definition of a business strategy to operational implementation work in an agile manner. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to ensure characteristics of leadership types and agile work practice in the agile transformation framework and to determine the influence of predominantly leader as a coach and agile work practice to agile transformation. Dervied from the aim the main hypothesis is as follows: consideration of a leader predominantly as a coach and agile work practice influences the agile transformation in companies. The hypothesis has been confirmed based on qualitative and quantitative research. Keywords: big companies, agile transformation, leadership types, coach as a leader, agile work practice, autocratic leader.
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