Contamination Remediation with Soil Amendments by Immobilization of Heavy Metals
Burlakovs, Juris
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Latvijas Universitāte
Piesārņojums ar smagajiem metāliem augsnē ir nopietna vides problēma. Bijušajās rūpnieciskajās, izgāztuvju, militārajās teritorijās atstātais vēsturiskais augsnes piesārņojums un tā rekultivācija ir jautājums, kura risināšanai iespējami dažādi varianti. Promocijas darbā “Piesārņotu grunšu un augšņu rekultivācija ar modificētām piedevām – smago metālu imobilizācija” tika veikti eksperimentāli pētījumi par inovatīvu modificētu piedevu – modificēta māla un humusvielu – izmantošanu efektīvai smago metālu piesārņojuma imobilizācijai. Papildus tika izvērtētas metālu atrašanās formas piesārņotajās un rekultivētajās augsnēs, kā arī inovatīvo augsnes sorbentu efektivitāte. Papildus izstrādāti ieteikumi pamatotai atbilstošo modificēto piedevu izvēlei kompleksa
piesārņojuma gadījumos. Pētījumu rezultāti liecina, ka modificētajām piedevām, kas iegūtas no lokālām izejvielām, ir labas perspektīvas, lai videi draudzīgi rekultivētu ar smagajiem metāliem piesārņotu substrātu; piedāvāts indikatīvais modelis piemērotu rekultivācijas tehnoloģiju izvēles pamatojuma izstrādes vajadzībām.
Atslēgvārdi: smagie metāli, “vieglā” rekultivācija, stabilizācija/-
Heavy metal contamination is the inheritance of modern society and a serious environmental problem. Brownfields, dump sites, former and active industrial and military areas often demand remedial solutions concerning this problem. The aim of the dissertation “Contamination remediation with soil amendments by immobilization of heavy metals” included the development and testing of applicable soil amendments for hard and gentle heavy metal remediation approaches and the elaboration of an indicative decision support model for choosing the best available solution. In addition, aspects of metal speciation and immobilization efficiency were studied through experimental work with innovative modified clay and humic substances as remedial soil amendments. The obtained results revealed broad perspectives for the use of local resources in gentle remediation by soil amendments for heavy metal contaminated territories and showed indicative guidelines on how to choose the right applicable method in different cases.
Heavy metal contamination is the inheritance of modern society and a serious environmental problem. Brownfields, dump sites, former and active industrial and military areas often demand remedial solutions concerning this problem. The aim of the dissertation “Contamination remediation with soil amendments by immobilization of heavy metals” included the development and testing of applicable soil amendments for hard and gentle heavy metal remediation approaches and the elaboration of an indicative decision support model for choosing the best available solution. In addition, aspects of metal speciation and immobilization efficiency were studied through experimental work with innovative modified clay and humic substances as remedial soil amendments. The obtained results revealed broad perspectives for the use of local resources in gentle remediation by soil amendments for heavy metal contaminated territories and showed indicative guidelines on how to choose the right applicable method in different cases.
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Vides zinātne , Heavy metals , Gentle remediation , Stabilization/solidification , Decision support tool , Soil amendments , Modified clay