HDTMA Br un TFF Br adsorbcijas pētījumi illītu mālos
Līsmane, Ance
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbā izmantota LU Akadēmiskajā bibliotēkā pieejamā literatūra un elektroniskās datu bāzes, un internets. Apskatītie literatūras avoti ir latviešu un angļu valodā, publicēti no 1958. līdz 2016.gadam. Darba literatūras apskatā apskatītas mālu un mālu minerālu struktūras, illītu mālu minerāli, Latvijā sastopamie māli, mālu minerālu attīrīšanas metodes no mālu struktūrā nesaistītajiem dzelzs savienojumiem un rupjgraudainajiem minerālu piemaisījumiem, illītu mālu organokompleksi, to iegūšanas metodes, mālu oraganokompleksu pētīšanas metodes, teorētiskās adsorbcijas izotermas. Darba eksperimentālajā daļā, izmantojot illītu mālu submikronu frakciju un illītu mālu submikronu frakciju, kam veikta dzelzs savienojumu nošķīdināšana, izmantojot ditionīta-citrāta metodi, sintezēti organokompleksi, ar dažādu virsmaktīvās vielas slodzi, izmantojot dejonizētu ūdeni un dažādus organiskus šķīdinātājus. Veikta šo paraugu DTA/TG analīze un rentgenfluorescences spektrometriskā analīze. Konstruētas HDTMA un TFF adsorbcijas mālu minerālos izotermas, konstruētas teorētiskās adsorbcijas izotermas un veikta rezultātu salīdzināšana.
The literature used in this paper was taken from the LU academic library, as well as electronic databases and the internet. The examined literature sources are in Latvian and English and were published between 1958 and 2016. The literature review shows clay and clay mineral structure, illite clay minerals, common clays in Latvia, clay purification from iron oxide and large particle mineral impurities, illite clay organocomplexes, their synthesis methodes, analysis methods of clay organocomplexes, theoretical adsorption isotherms. In the experimental part of the paper were mechanochemichaly synthesized different organocomplexes, from illite clay submicron fraction and illite clay submicron fraction after purification with dithionite-citrate method, with different surfactant load, by using deionized water and different organic solvents. The samples were analyzed by DTA/TG analysis and X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis. The adsorption isotherms of HDTMA and TPP on clay minerals and the theoretical adsorption isotherms were made and the results were compared.
The literature used in this paper was taken from the LU academic library, as well as electronic databases and the internet. The examined literature sources are in Latvian and English and were published between 1958 and 2016. The literature review shows clay and clay mineral structure, illite clay minerals, common clays in Latvia, clay purification from iron oxide and large particle mineral impurities, illite clay organocomplexes, their synthesis methodes, analysis methods of clay organocomplexes, theoretical adsorption isotherms. In the experimental part of the paper were mechanochemichaly synthesized different organocomplexes, from illite clay submicron fraction and illite clay submicron fraction after purification with dithionite-citrate method, with different surfactant load, by using deionized water and different organic solvents. The samples were analyzed by DTA/TG analysis and X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis. The adsorption isotherms of HDTMA and TPP on clay minerals and the theoretical adsorption isotherms were made and the results were compared.