1.5 līdz 2 gadus vecu bērnu adaptācijas process pirmsskolā
Lauberga, Vita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darba temats - “1,5 līdz 2 gadus vecu bērnu adaptācijas process pirmsskolā”, darba autore Vita Lauberga Kvalifikācijas darba vadītāja – Mg.paed. Rasma Purmale Darba mērķis – pētīt teorētiskās atziņas par veiksmīgas adaptācijas norises pamatnosacījumiem un veikt praktisko pētījumu par bērnu adaptācijas norisi pirmsskolā. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no satura rādītāja, ievada, 2 daļām, 6 apakšdaļām, 5 attēliem, 19 tabulām, secinājumiem, 26 teorētiskās literatūras un citu avotu saraksts, darba apjoms 45 lappuses. Teorētiskajā daļā darba autore pēta un analizē teorētiskās atziņās par adaptāciju, adaptācijas veidiem, adaptāciju ietekmējošiem pamatnosacījumiem. Teorētisko atziņu izpēte tika veikta pamatojoties uz D.Lieģenieces, A.Vecgrāves, S.Omārovas, Dž. Bolbija, .V. Tonkovas – Jampoļskajas, J.Šmita – Kolmera, I.Stradomskas, R.Špallekas, J.A.Studenta, D. Dzinteres, I. Stangaines (2007) un citu autoru darbiem. Empīriskajā daļā darba autore veic bērnu adaptācijas norisi pēc izvirzītiem kritērijiem, vecāku un pedagogu anketēšanu par adaptācijas ietekmējošiem faktoriem. Darba autore veic pedagoģisko darbību, lai sekmētu pozitīvu adaptācijas norisi. Lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi tika izmantotas šādas pētnieciskās metodes: teorētiskās - pedagoģiskās un psiholoģiskās literatūras salīdzinošā analīze un empīriskās – novērošana un anketēšana, datu apstrādes un analīzes metodes - atspoguļošana grafiskā veidā. Pēc veiktā pētījuma darba autore secina, ka hipotēze – jaunākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu adaptācijas process pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē būs veiksmīgs, ja: bērniem tiks radīta labvēlīga un emocionāli droša vide, vecāki un pedagogi sadarbosies, vecāki sagatavos bērnu adaptācijas procesam izglītības iestādē, tika pierādīta, jo atkārtotais pētījums pierādīja, ka labvēlīga un emocionāli droša vide, sadarbība ar ģimeni sekmēja bērnu veiksmīgu adaptēšanos pirmsskolā
The topic of the qualification paper is "The process of adaptation of children aged 1.5 to 2 years old in a preschool", author of the work Vita Lauberga Manager of qualification work - Mg.paed. Rasma Purmale The aim of the work is to study theoretical knowledge about the basic conditions for successful adaptation and to conduct a practical study on the process of adaptation of children in preschool. The qualification paper consists of a content index, introduces 2 parts, 6 subsections, 5 figures, 19 tables, conclusions, 26 theoretical literature and other sources, 49 pages. In the theoretical part, the author of the paper studies and analyzes theoretical knowledge about adaptation, adaptation types, basic conditions influencing adaptation. The study of theoretical knowledge was carried out on the basis of D.Lieģenieces, A.Vecgravis, S.Omarov, J. Bolby, .V Tonkova - Jampoļskaja, J.Šmita-Kolmera, I.Stradomskas, R.Spalleks, J.A.Studenta, D.Zinteres, I.Stangaines (2007) and other authors. In the empirical part, the author of the work carries out the adaptation of the children according to the criteria, parents 'and teachers' questionnaires on the factors influencing adaptation. The author of the work carries out a pedagogical activity in order to facilitate a positive adaptation process. To achieve the objective, the following research methods were used: comparative analysis of theoretical - pedagogical and psychological literature and empirical - observation and questioning, methods of data processing and analysis - graphical representation. According to the research carried out, the author concludes that the hypothesis - the process of adaptation of the youngest preschool age children in the pre-school educational institution will be successful if: children will have a favorable and emotionally safe environment, parents and teachers will work together, parents will prepare for the process of adapting children to the educational establishment, A repeated research has shown that a favorable and emotionally safe environment, working with the family has contributed to the successful adaptation of children to preschool children.
The topic of the qualification paper is "The process of adaptation of children aged 1.5 to 2 years old in a preschool", author of the work Vita Lauberga Manager of qualification work - Mg.paed. Rasma Purmale The aim of the work is to study theoretical knowledge about the basic conditions for successful adaptation and to conduct a practical study on the process of adaptation of children in preschool. The qualification paper consists of a content index, introduces 2 parts, 6 subsections, 5 figures, 19 tables, conclusions, 26 theoretical literature and other sources, 49 pages. In the theoretical part, the author of the paper studies and analyzes theoretical knowledge about adaptation, adaptation types, basic conditions influencing adaptation. The study of theoretical knowledge was carried out on the basis of D.Lieģenieces, A.Vecgravis, S.Omarov, J. Bolby, .V Tonkova - Jampoļskaja, J.Šmita-Kolmera, I.Stradomskas, R.Spalleks, J.A.Studenta, D.Zinteres, I.Stangaines (2007) and other authors. In the empirical part, the author of the work carries out the adaptation of the children according to the criteria, parents 'and teachers' questionnaires on the factors influencing adaptation. The author of the work carries out a pedagogical activity in order to facilitate a positive adaptation process. To achieve the objective, the following research methods were used: comparative analysis of theoretical - pedagogical and psychological literature and empirical - observation and questioning, methods of data processing and analysis - graphical representation. According to the research carried out, the author concludes that the hypothesis - the process of adaptation of the youngest preschool age children in the pre-school educational institution will be successful if: children will have a favorable and emotionally safe environment, parents and teachers will work together, parents will prepare for the process of adapting children to the educational establishment, A repeated research has shown that a favorable and emotionally safe environment, working with the family has contributed to the successful adaptation of children to preschool children.
Pirmsskolas pedagoģija , Pedagoģija , adaptācija , 1,5 - 2 gadu veci bērni , saskarsme , komunikācija