Basketbola dribla ātruma izpausmju formu un tehniskā izpildījuma izmaiņas 6-12 gadus veciem bērniem
Ludborža, Līga
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Latvijas Universitāte
L.Ludboržas Kvalifikācijas darbs “Basketbola dribla ātruma izpausmju formu un tehniskā izpildījuma izmaiņas 6-12 gadus veciem bērniem” ir izstrādāts ar mērķi pētīt un analizēt dribla ātruma izpausmju formu un kvalitātes izmaiņas 6-12 gadus veciem basketbolistiem, veicot papildus uzdevumu ar driblu uz vietas, pirms vai pēc treniņnodarbības galvenās daļas. Darbs sastāv no ievada, teorētiskās un praktiski pētnieciskās daļas. Teorētiskajā daļā ir analizēta teorija par basketbola spēles tehnikas paņēmienu daudzveidību un to pielietošanu spēlē. Kā arī analizēts 6-12 gadus vecu basketbolistu, psiholoģiski fizioloģiskais vecumposmu raksturojums. Praktiski pētnieciskajā daļā veikts pētījums ar kontroles uzdevumiem, 6-12 gadus veciem sporta skolas audzēkņiem, apkopota un analizēta iegūtā informācija. Darba gaitā izvirzītā hipotēze apstiprinājās, treniņa procesā pielietojot statiskā dribla elementus ir iespējams uzlabot dribla tehnisko izpildījumu un tā ātrumā izpausmju formas.
L. Ludborža's dissertation “Changes in Form and Technique of Basketball Dribble Speed in Children Aged 6-12” has been developed with the aim to research and analyse the form and technique of dribble speed in basketball players aged 6-12, performing an additional task of stationary dribble, before or after the main section of their practice. This work consists of an introduction, a theoretical and practical research section. The theoretical section analyses the theory of variety of basketball techniques and their use in the game. The section also analyses the psychological and physiological characteristics of basketball players aged 6-12. In the practical research section, the data gathered through control tasks given to 6-12 year old students at a sports school is analysed and the information is summarised. The hypothesis put forward during the course of the research was confirmed – by applying elements of static dribble during the practice, it is possible to improve the technical performance of the dribble and the form of its speed.
L. Ludborža's dissertation “Changes in Form and Technique of Basketball Dribble Speed in Children Aged 6-12” has been developed with the aim to research and analyse the form and technique of dribble speed in basketball players aged 6-12, performing an additional task of stationary dribble, before or after the main section of their practice. This work consists of an introduction, a theoretical and practical research section. The theoretical section analyses the theory of variety of basketball techniques and their use in the game. The section also analyses the psychological and physiological characteristics of basketball players aged 6-12. In the practical research section, the data gathered through control tasks given to 6-12 year old students at a sports school is analysed and the information is summarised. The hypothesis put forward during the course of the research was confirmed – by applying elements of static dribble during the practice, it is possible to improve the technical performance of the dribble and the form of its speed.
Sporta zinātne , Basketbols , basketbola dribla tehnika , vecumposmu īpatnības , pētnieciskā darbība