Beznosacījumu mīlestība un pieņemoša attieksme kristietībā
Bērziņa, Laura
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šis bakalaura darbs ir par nepieciešamību atsevišķi apskatīt beznosacījumu mīlestības un pieņemošas, pozitīvas attieksmes jēdzienus, nejaucot tos kopā, jo prasījums mīlēt citam citu bez robežām, veicina kļūdainu izpratni Jēzus pavēlē mīlēt citam citu. To, ka veselīgas attiecības ietver sevī gan beznosacījumu mīlestību, gan personiskās robežas, un katrai no tām ir sava vieta, autore apskata gan no psiholoģijas, gan kristietības skatījuma.
This bachelor's thesis is about the need to look separately at the concepts of unconditional love and positive, accepting attitude, without confusing them together, because the claim to love one another without borders contributes to a misunderstanding of Jesus' command to love one another. The fact that a healthy relationship includes both unconditional love and personal boundaries, and each has its own place, is considered by the author from the perspective of both psychology and Christianity.
This bachelor's thesis is about the need to look separately at the concepts of unconditional love and positive, accepting attitude, without confusing them together, because the claim to love one another without borders contributes to a misunderstanding of Jesus' command to love one another. The fact that a healthy relationship includes both unconditional love and personal boundaries, and each has its own place, is considered by the author from the perspective of both psychology and Christianity.
Teoloģija un reliģiju zinātne , Beznosacījumu mīlestība , Attieksme , Henrijs Klauds , Džons Taunsends , Ērihs Fromms