Mehāniskās aktivācijas ietekme uz nātrija bismuta titanāta keramikas izgatavošanu.
Atvars, Arturs
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Latvijas Universitāte
“Mehāniskās aktivācijas ietekme uz nātrija bismuta titanāta keramikas izgatavošanu” Atvars A., zinātniskie darba vadītāji vadošā pētniece Dr. phys. Dunce M. un asoc. prof. Dr. chem. Vaivars G. Bakalaura darbs. (46 lapas, 27 attēli, 49 literatūras avoti, 3 pielikumi). Latviešu valodā Bakalaura darba ietvaros tika veikta nātrija bismuta titanāta (Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3) un cietā šķīduma 0,975(0,94Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3-0,06BaTiO3)-0,025LiNbO3 iegūšana, izmantojot cietfāžu reakcijas metodi, veicot mehānisko aktivāciju vienā no posmiem. Nepieciešamie savienojumi tika iegūti, izmantojot nātrija karbonātu (Na¬2CO3), bismuta (III) oksīdu (Bi2O3), titāna dioksīdu (TiO2), litija karbonātu (Li2CO3), niobija (V) oksīdu (Nb2O5) un bārija karbonātu (BaCO3). Iegūto sastāvu morfoloģija izpētīta ar skenējošo elektronu mikroskopu. Literatūras apskatā apkopota informācija par mehānisko aktivāciju un tās veidiem, tās ietekmi uz iegūtās keramikas morfoloģiju un fizikālām īpašībām. Pētījumā iegūtie rezultāti tika apstrādāti, apkopoti, salīdzināti savā starpā un ar dažādos literatūras avotos pieejamo informāciju.
“Effect of mechanical activation on processing of sodium bismuth titanate ceramics” Atvars A., scientific supervisors leading researcher Dr. phys. Dunce M. and asoc. prof. Dr. chem. Vaivars G. Bachelor work. (46 pages, 27 pictures, 49 literature sources, 3 supplements). In Latvian In the framework of the bachelor work, sodium bismuth titanate (Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3) and 0.975(0.94Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3)-0.025LiNbO3 solid solution were obtained using the solid-state reaction method, using mechanical activation at one of the synthesis stages. The compounds were obtained using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), bismuth (III) oxide (Bi2O3), titanium dioxide (TiO2), lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), niobium (V) oxide (Nb2O5), and barium carbonate (BaCO3). Morphology of the acquired compositions has been studied by a scanning electron microscope. The literature survey summarises information on mechanical activation and its types, as well as its effects on morphology and physical properties of the acquired ceramics. Results of the study were processed, aggregated, compared mutually and with the information available from different literature sources.
“Effect of mechanical activation on processing of sodium bismuth titanate ceramics” Atvars A., scientific supervisors leading researcher Dr. phys. Dunce M. and asoc. prof. Dr. chem. Vaivars G. Bachelor work. (46 pages, 27 pictures, 49 literature sources, 3 supplements). In Latvian In the framework of the bachelor work, sodium bismuth titanate (Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3) and 0.975(0.94Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3)-0.025LiNbO3 solid solution were obtained using the solid-state reaction method, using mechanical activation at one of the synthesis stages. The compounds were obtained using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), bismuth (III) oxide (Bi2O3), titanium dioxide (TiO2), lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), niobium (V) oxide (Nb2O5), and barium carbonate (BaCO3). Morphology of the acquired compositions has been studied by a scanning electron microscope. The literature survey summarises information on mechanical activation and its types, as well as its effects on morphology and physical properties of the acquired ceramics. Results of the study were processed, aggregated, compared mutually and with the information available from different literature sources.
Ķīmija , Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 , MECHANICAL ACTIVATION , SOLID-STATE REACTION , 0.975(0.94Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3)-0.025LiNbO3