Radio auditorijas pieaugumu veicinošie faktori: Latvijas Kristīgā radio pieredzes analīze (1998. ─ 2004.)
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šis darbs analizē Latvijas Kristīgā radio auditorijas pieaugumu no 1998. gada ziemas līdz 2001. gada ziemai, izmantojot G. Bergera racionālās izvēles teoriju un J. Gruniga asimetrisko komunikācijas modeli. Darba gaitā tika pārbaudītas vairākas hipotēzes un noslēgumā tika secināts, ka LKR auditorijas pieaugumu veicinājušas sekmīgas reklāmas kampaņas.
This work analyses the growth of the audience of Latvian Christian radio from the winter of 1998 until the winter of 2001 on the basis of G. Berger’s rational choice theory. J. Gruning’s assimetrical model of communication and theories of media effects. The three hypotheses were proved and accepted the third statement, that the growth in the number of LCR listeners is the result of successful advertising campaigns.
This work analyses the growth of the audience of Latvian Christian radio from the winter of 1998 until the winter of 2001 on the basis of G. Berger’s rational choice theory. J. Gruning’s assimetrical model of communication and theories of media effects. The three hypotheses were proved and accepted the third statement, that the growth in the number of LCR listeners is the result of successful advertising campaigns.
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