Mikrogrupu darbības organizēšana skolēnu sociālās kompetences pilnveidei
Surikova, Svetlana
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Latvijas Universitāte
Svetlanas Surikovas promocijas darbā “Mikrogrupu darbības organizēšana skolēnu sociālās
kompetences pilnveidei” definēta jaunāko klašu skolēnu sociālās kompetences būtība, piedāvājot
jaunu skatījumu uz skolēna sociālo kompetenci kā līdzsvara nodrošināšanas pamatu starp
individuālo un sociālo perspektīvu, sociālās mijiedarbības un izziņas darbības spēju un pieredzes
individuālu kombināciju, kas nodrošina efektīvu mijiedarbību ar apkārtējiem cilvēkiem
starppersonu attiecību sistēmā. Pētījuma gaitā izstrādāts un praksē aprobēts jaunāko klašu skolēnu
sociālās kompetences pilnveidi veicinošs mikrogrupu darbības organizācijas modelis un tā
ieviešanas secība (fāzes un posmi) sākumskolas mācību procesā. Promocijas darba rezultātā tiek
piedāvātas teorētiski pamatotas un praksē pārbaudītas jaunāko klašu skolēnu sociālās kompetences
pilnveides likumsakarības mikrogrupu darbības organizēšanas procesā. Izstrādāti mikrogrupu
darbības ieviešanas ieteikumi sākumskolas mācību procesā.
Summary The essence of primary school pupils’ social competence is defined in the doctoral thesis of Svetlana Surikova „Organisation of microgroups’ activity for promoting pupils’ social competence” by proposing a new outlook on the pupil’s social competence as a basis for providing the balance between individual and social perspective, individual combination of cognition and social interaction abilities and experience that provide effective interaction with other people in interpersonal relation system. The microgroups’ activity organisation model for enhancing the primary school pupils’ social competence and the sequence (stages and phases) of its introduction in primary school study processes was worked out and implemented in practice during the research. A theoretically based and practically verified set of factors enhancing primary school pupils’ social competence during the process of microgroups’ activity organisation was proposed as a result of the promotional paper. Recommendations for the introduction of microgroups’ activity in the study processes of primary schools were worked out.
Summary The essence of primary school pupils’ social competence is defined in the doctoral thesis of Svetlana Surikova „Organisation of microgroups’ activity for promoting pupils’ social competence” by proposing a new outlook on the pupil’s social competence as a basis for providing the balance between individual and social perspective, individual combination of cognition and social interaction abilities and experience that provide effective interaction with other people in interpersonal relation system. The microgroups’ activity organisation model for enhancing the primary school pupils’ social competence and the sequence (stages and phases) of its introduction in primary school study processes was worked out and implemented in practice during the research. A theoretically based and practically verified set of factors enhancing primary school pupils’ social competence during the process of microgroups’ activity organisation was proposed as a result of the promotional paper. Recommendations for the introduction of microgroups’ activity in the study processes of primary schools were worked out.
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Pedagoģija , Izglītība, pedagoģija un sports