Pircēja kā tiesību pārņēmēja galvenie riski un aizsardzība kapitālsabiedrības iegādes (pārejas) procesā
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kapitālsabiedrības jeb biznesa iegādes darījumi praksē veido lielu daļu no komerctiesību jomā iespējamajiem darījumiem. Biznesa iegādes darījumi ir laikietilpīgi un sarežģīti, turklāt ietver sevī dažādas nianses, kuru zināšanai un izprašanai vērtīga ir akadēmiskā vai profesionālā bāze. Līdz ar to pircējam kā pirkuma darījuma tiesiski vājākajai pusei nenoliedzami pastāv dažādi no darījuma izrietošie vai ar darījumu saistītie potenciālie riski. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt esošo regulējumu un kopējo situāciju attiecībā tieši uz pircēja galvenajiem riskiem un likumisko aizsardzību konkrēti sabiedrības ar ierobežotu atbildību iegādes procesā, piedāvājot iespējamos risinājumus un aizsardzības mehānismus, lai mazinātu pircēja kā tiesību pārņēmēja riskus. Mērķa sasniegšanai darba autors izpētīja un analizēja normatīvo regulējumu attiecībā uz Pircēja aizsardzību kapitālsabiedrības iegādes darījumā kontekstā ar tiesu praksē aktuālo. Tika apzināti Pircējam pastāvošie potenciālie riski un to iespējamās sekas. Visbeidzot tika analizēti Pircēja tiesību aizsardzības veidi. Iegūtie rezultāti norāda uz iespējām nodrošināt kapitāldaļu pircēja kā tiesību pārņēmēja aizsardzību, kā arī satur zināma veida apkopojumu par to, kam pircējam būtu jāpievērš uzmanība kapitāldaļu pirkuma darījumā un kādi preventīvi pasākumi jāveic, lai nodrošinātu savu aizsardzību. Maģistra darba nosaukums ir “Pircēja kā tiesību pārņēmēja galvenie riski un tiesiskā aizsardzība kapitālsabiedrības iegādes procesā”, darbs sastāv no trīs nodaļām. Kopējais darba apjoms ir 63 lappuses.
The acquisition of a limited liability company or a business in practice constitute a very large part of possible potential agreements in the field of business and commerce regulations. Business acquisition transactions are time-consuming and complex and include a variety of details for which an academic or professional background is valuable to comprehend. Consequently, there are clearly different potential risks arising from such an acquisition transaction or related to one that can gravely affect the Buyer as the legally weaker of the parties in any purchase transaction. The aim of the thesis is to explore existing regulation and the overall situation related to the main risks and legal protection of the Buyer, in particular in the process of acquiring a limited liability company, in order to propose possible solutions and Buyer protection mechanisms to mitigate the risks for the Buyer as a successor. For this purpose, the author examined and analysed the case-law and the regulatory framework for the protection of the Buyer within an acquisition transaction. The potential risks and consequences of them that could affect the Buyer were identified. Finally, the methods of protecting the Buyer’s rights were analysed. The results point to means by how to ensure the buyer’s legal protection in a share capital acquisition, as well as include a manual of what to look out for and what actions to take prior to the purchase. The title of this Master’s thesis is “The main risks and legal protection of the Buyer as a successor in the process of a limited liability company acquisition”, the thesis consists of three chapters. The thesis is 63 pages long.
The acquisition of a limited liability company or a business in practice constitute a very large part of possible potential agreements in the field of business and commerce regulations. Business acquisition transactions are time-consuming and complex and include a variety of details for which an academic or professional background is valuable to comprehend. Consequently, there are clearly different potential risks arising from such an acquisition transaction or related to one that can gravely affect the Buyer as the legally weaker of the parties in any purchase transaction. The aim of the thesis is to explore existing regulation and the overall situation related to the main risks and legal protection of the Buyer, in particular in the process of acquiring a limited liability company, in order to propose possible solutions and Buyer protection mechanisms to mitigate the risks for the Buyer as a successor. For this purpose, the author examined and analysed the case-law and the regulatory framework for the protection of the Buyer within an acquisition transaction. The potential risks and consequences of them that could affect the Buyer were identified. Finally, the methods of protecting the Buyer’s rights were analysed. The results point to means by how to ensure the buyer’s legal protection in a share capital acquisition, as well as include a manual of what to look out for and what actions to take prior to the purchase. The title of this Master’s thesis is “The main risks and legal protection of the Buyer as a successor in the process of a limited liability company acquisition”, the thesis consists of three chapters. The thesis is 63 pages long.
Juridiskā zinātne , biznesa iegāde , kapitālsabiedrības iegāde; , kapitāldaļu iegāde , tiesību pārņēmēja risks