Viltus pravieši "Didahē" grāmatā un tās kultūrvēsturiskajā kontekstā
Gaļperns, Aleksejs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šī darba nosaukums ir “Viltus pravieši Didahē grāmatā un tās kultūrvēsturiskā kontekstā”. Šajā darbā uzmanība ir veltīta viltus praviešu fenomenam Didahē grāmatā. Tajā tiek izvirzīta tēze: iepretī kultūrvēsturiskajam kontekstam Didahē radikalizē viltus praviešu kritērijus par galveno izvirzot ne tikai pravieša mācību bet visu viņa dzīvi. Darbā galvenokārt tiek izmantota vēsturiski kritiskā metode. Darbs sastāv no trim daļām. Pirmajā daļā Didahē grāmata tiek aplūkota kā kristīgās literatūras mantojums. Otrajā daļā tiek pētīts jēdziens "viltus pravietis". Tāpat otrajā daļā tiek analizēti viltus praviešu atpazīšanas kritēriji grāmatas Didahē kultūrvēsturiskā konteksta literatūrā, t.i., jūdu, grieķu-romiešu un kristiešu literatūrā. Trešā daļa izskata viltus praviešu atpazīšanas kritērijus grāmatā Didahē, un tās beigās tiek izdarīti secinājumi. Tiek izdarīts secinājums, ka viltus praviešu atpazīšana Didahē notiek, balstoties uz viņu dzīvesveidu, nevis mācību, un ka tas atbilda agrīnās draudzes kultūrvēsturiskajai situācijai un bija ievērojams solis tās ētisko standartu attīstībā.
The title of this paper is “False prophets in the Didache and in its cultural-historical context”. This paper focuses mainly on the phenomenon of false prophets in the Didache. The thesis of this paper is: opposing the cultural-historical context in the Didache, the criteria of the false prophets are radicalized, as the main putting forward not only prophet's teaching, but his whole life. The historical critical method is taken as the basis. The paper consists of two main parts. The first part examines the book of Didache as a Christian literary monument. The second part is dedicated to the research of the notion of a false prophet and the criteria of the recognition of a false prophet in the literature of the cultural-historical context of the Didache, i.e. in Judaic, Greek-Roman and Christian literature. The third part studies the criteria of the recognition of false prophets in the Didache, and the conclusions are drawn. The author of this paper makes the conclusion that the recognition of the false prophet in the Didache, based on his way of life rather than his teachings, coincides with the cultural and historical situation in the early church and is an important step in shaping its ethical standards.
The title of this paper is “False prophets in the Didache and in its cultural-historical context”. This paper focuses mainly on the phenomenon of false prophets in the Didache. The thesis of this paper is: opposing the cultural-historical context in the Didache, the criteria of the false prophets are radicalized, as the main putting forward not only prophet's teaching, but his whole life. The historical critical method is taken as the basis. The paper consists of two main parts. The first part examines the book of Didache as a Christian literary monument. The second part is dedicated to the research of the notion of a false prophet and the criteria of the recognition of a false prophet in the literature of the cultural-historical context of the Didache, i.e. in Judaic, Greek-Roman and Christian literature. The third part studies the criteria of the recognition of false prophets in the Didache, and the conclusions are drawn. The author of this paper makes the conclusion that the recognition of the false prophet in the Didache, based on his way of life rather than his teachings, coincides with the cultural and historical situation in the early church and is an important step in shaping its ethical standards.
Teoloģija un reliģiju zinātne , Didahē , viltus pravietis , kristietība