Pētnieciskie un problēmu uzdevumi skolas matemātikas kursā
Kuzmina, Anete
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarbā „Pētnieciskie un problēmu uzdevumi skolas matemātikas kursā” tiek noskaidrots, kā radās pētnieciskie un problēmu uzdevumi, kāda ir atšķirība starp tiem, kāda ir to nozīme un nepieciešamība skolā. Darbā akcentēta starppriekšmetu saikne, ko veido šāda tipa uzdevumi, informācijas tehnoloģiju izmantošana tajos, kā arī aplūkots Eiropas Sociālā Fonda projekts, kas iepazīstina un atbalsta šādu uzdevumu izmantošanu matemātikas stundās.
Diploma thesis “Research and problem tasks in school course of mathematics” is about emergence of research and problem tasks, differences between them as well as importance and necessity of research and problem tasks in school course of mathematics. The paper emphasizes the interdisciplinary linkage formed by this type of tasks, use of information technologies in research and problem tasks as well as European Social Fund project, which presents and supports the use of such tasks in mathematics lessons.
Diploma thesis “Research and problem tasks in school course of mathematics” is about emergence of research and problem tasks, differences between them as well as importance and necessity of research and problem tasks in school course of mathematics. The paper emphasizes the interdisciplinary linkage formed by this type of tasks, use of information technologies in research and problem tasks as well as European Social Fund project, which presents and supports the use of such tasks in mathematics lessons.