Tīmeklī bāzēta kontu pārvaldības sistēma
Luksis, Arnolds
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šī kvalifikācijas darba objekts ir tīmeklī bāzēta kontu pārvaldības sistēma. Tas ir prototips, kura mērķis ir ļaut izveidot kontus, piešķirt licences un pieslēgties sistēmai. Sistēmai jāspēj šīs darbības reģistrēt datu bāzē. Lietotāju saskarne ar sistēmu ir pieejama no tīmekļa. Servera puses izstrādei tika izvēlēta Go programēšanas valoda. Šī valoda tika izvēlēta, lai pārbaudītu Go piemērotību lietotāju kontu pārvaldības sistēmas servera puses loģikas realizācijai. Darba izstrādes laikā tika konstatēts, ka Go valoda ir labi piemērota šim uzdevumam.
The object of this qualification work is a web-based accounts management system. It is a prototype designed to allow user to create accounts, grant licenses and connect to the system. The system must be able to log these activities in a database. The systems user interface is accessible from the web. The Go programming language was chosen for back end development. This language was chosen to test Go's suitability for implementing back end logic for the user account management system. During the development of this paper, it was found that the Go programming language is well suited for this task.
The object of this qualification work is a web-based accounts management system. It is a prototype designed to allow user to create accounts, grant licenses and connect to the system. The system must be able to log these activities in a database. The systems user interface is accessible from the web. The Go programming language was chosen for back end development. This language was chosen to test Go's suitability for implementing back end logic for the user account management system. During the development of this paper, it was found that the Go programming language is well suited for this task.
Datorzinātne , Azure SQL , Go , autorizācija , autentifikācija , tīmeklis