Demitere, Līva
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir – ”Apple” zīmola komunikācija Latvijā: jauniešu mērķauditorijas analīze.
Problēmas būtība - neskatoties uz to, ka Latvijā zīmola komunikācija netiek vadīta, šis zīmols ir atpazīstams jauniešu auditorijā un tiek patērētas tā preces un pakalpojumi.
Pētījuma mērķis ir izprast „Apple” zīmola komunikācijas procesus, noteikt to, kā šis zīmols tiek uztverts jauniešu auditorijā, cik prestižs tas viņiem liekas un ko vēsta par sevi.
Pētījuma rezultātā tika noteikts, ka jaunieši „Apple” zīmolu ir iepazinuši interpersonālās un masu komunikācijas ceļā, kā arī jauniešu sabiedrībā zīmolam ir izveidojies pozitīvs tēls un zīmols tiek uztverts kā prestižs.
Atslēgvārdi: „Apple”, komunikācijas modeļi, jaunieši, prestižs.
The theme of this research work is – “Apple” brand communication in Latvia: analysis of adolescent target audience. Research problem essence lies in the fact that, despite that in Latvia “Apple” brand communication is not managed, Latvian adolescents audience consumes products and services of this brand. The aim of this paper work is to understand „Apple” brand communication processes and determine how the brand is being perceived in the youth audience, do they feel this brand as prestige and what does this brand tells about itself. Summarizing the results of this research, it was determined that adolescents had found out about the “Apple” brand with the interpersonal and mass communication way, as well they have a positive brand image and brand is perceived as prestigious. Key words: „Apple”, communication models, adolescents, prestige.
The theme of this research work is – “Apple” brand communication in Latvia: analysis of adolescent target audience. Research problem essence lies in the fact that, despite that in Latvia “Apple” brand communication is not managed, Latvian adolescents audience consumes products and services of this brand. The aim of this paper work is to understand „Apple” brand communication processes and determine how the brand is being perceived in the youth audience, do they feel this brand as prestige and what does this brand tells about itself. Summarizing the results of this research, it was determined that adolescents had found out about the “Apple” brand with the interpersonal and mass communication way, as well they have a positive brand image and brand is perceived as prestigious. Key words: „Apple”, communication models, adolescents, prestige.
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