Abiotisko faktoru ietekme in vitro apstākļos uz trematodes Alaria alata olu attīstību
Zepa, Sintija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pētījumā tika modelēta tādu abiotisko vides faktoru kā gaismas režīma, temperatūras, sausuma un ūdens vides dinamiskuma ietekme uz trematodes Alaria alata olu attīstību un izdzīvotību. Olas tika iegūtas no Latvijā nomedītu rudo lapsu fekālijām, pielietojot atkārtotās skalošanas metodi. Olu attīstība noritēja Petri platēs, destilētā ūdenī. Kopā tika apsekotas 7 dažādas stacijas ar atšķirīgiem fizikāliem parametriem. Ar gaismas mikroskopu tika monitorētas olu strukturālās izmaiņas un novērtēta to izdzīvošana un attīstības gaita. Tika konstatēts, ka vides dinamiskums ūdeni bagātina ar skābekli un vecina olu salipšanu; kā arī notiek caurspīdīga pavediena sekrēcija, kas vēlāk aplīp ar gaisa burbuļiem. Gaismas apstākļi veicina olu attīstību, arī temperatūras ietekme ir būtiska. Uzglabāšana pazeminātas temperatūras apstākļos paātrina turpmāko olu attīstību, savukārt sasaldēšana un īslaicīgs sausums būtiski samazina olu izdzīvošanu.
This study investigated how abiotic environmental factors such as light regime, temperature, temporary dryness and aquatic dynamics effects the development and survival of trematode’s Aalaria alata eggs. Eggs were obtained from the faeces of red foxes hunted in Latvia, purified by repeated rinsing method. Eggs where hold in Petri dishes filled with distilled water. A total of 7 stations with different physical parameters were surveyed. The structural changes of eggs were monitored with a light microscope, while their survival and development were assessed. It was found that the dynamism of the environment enriches the water with oxygen and promotes the clumping of eggs; as well as the secretion of a transparent fiber, which later grips air bubbles. Light conditions promote egg development, the effect of temperature is also significant. Storage in cool conditions accelerates further egg development, while freezing and temporary dryness drastically reduces egg survival rate.
This study investigated how abiotic environmental factors such as light regime, temperature, temporary dryness and aquatic dynamics effects the development and survival of trematode’s Aalaria alata eggs. Eggs were obtained from the faeces of red foxes hunted in Latvia, purified by repeated rinsing method. Eggs where hold in Petri dishes filled with distilled water. A total of 7 stations with different physical parameters were surveyed. The structural changes of eggs were monitored with a light microscope, while their survival and development were assessed. It was found that the dynamism of the environment enriches the water with oxygen and promotes the clumping of eggs; as well as the secretion of a transparent fiber, which later grips air bubbles. Light conditions promote egg development, the effect of temperature is also significant. Storage in cool conditions accelerates further egg development, while freezing and temporary dryness drastically reduces egg survival rate.
Bioloģija , Alaria alata , abiotiskie faktori , rezistence , Alaria alata