Mūsdienu latviešu animisma modifikācijas
Zēmele, Aldis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Mūsdienās īpaša piesaiste dabas pasaulei vairs nav nepieciešama, jo sakrālā pasaule tiek uztverta savādāk, ne vairs kā iztikas nodrošinātāja. Tomēr cilvēkam emocionāla piesaiste ir saglabājusies. Šī pasaule bieži tiek fragmentēta, sakralizējot konkrētu vietu ar dabas objektu elementiem, kuriem tiek piedēvētas enerģētiskas īpašības. Piedēvēt šādas īpašības dabas objektiem ir raksturīgi New Age kustībai. Ietekmējoties no šīs kustības, tradicionālās latviešu animisma idejas tiek sapludinātas ar New Age kustības idejām. Šajā darbā tiek aplūkotas divas svētvietas, kurām tiek piedēvētas enerģētiskas īpašības, kas ir raksturīgi New Age, -Pokaiņi, kas atrodas Dobeles novada Naudītes pagastā un Sokrāta tautskolas izveidotais Sevis izzināšanas un harmonizēšanas parks Siguldas novadā, kura autore ir E. Rudzāte. Maģistra darba nosaukums ir: Mūsdienu latviešu animisma modifikācijas. Maģistra darba tēze: Mūsdienu populārā latviešu reliģiozitāte kombinē tradicionālo latviešu animismu ar New Age idejām.
Nowadays, there’s no particular need for attachment to the nature as the sacral word is seen differently and not only as a support of livelihood. Nevertheless human emotional attachment still has remained. This world is often fragmented by sacralizing certain place with the elements of natural objects which than are ascribed to have energetic properties. Attribution to the following properties of natural objects is distinctive for New Age movement. Influenced by this movement, ideas of traditional Latvian animism are inundated with the ideas of the New Age movement. Two sacred places, which are ascribed to have energetic properties, what is typical for New Age, are reviewed in these theses- Pokaiņi, which are located in Naudītes parish of Dobele disctrict and “Self-discovery and Harmonization Park” established by Socrates folk high school, located in Sigulda district, whose author is E.Rudzāte. Title of the Master thesis is: Modifications of Contemporary Latvian animism. Hypothesis of the Master thesis: Popular contemporary Latvian religiousness combines traditional Latvian animism with ideas of New Age movement.
Nowadays, there’s no particular need for attachment to the nature as the sacral word is seen differently and not only as a support of livelihood. Nevertheless human emotional attachment still has remained. This world is often fragmented by sacralizing certain place with the elements of natural objects which than are ascribed to have energetic properties. Attribution to the following properties of natural objects is distinctive for New Age movement. Influenced by this movement, ideas of traditional Latvian animism are inundated with the ideas of the New Age movement. Two sacred places, which are ascribed to have energetic properties, what is typical for New Age, are reviewed in these theses- Pokaiņi, which are located in Naudītes parish of Dobele disctrict and “Self-discovery and Harmonization Park” established by Socrates folk high school, located in Sigulda district, whose author is E.Rudzāte. Title of the Master thesis is: Modifications of Contemporary Latvian animism. Hypothesis of the Master thesis: Popular contemporary Latvian religiousness combines traditional Latvian animism with ideas of New Age movement.
Teoloģija un reliģiju zinātne , Pokaiņi , Sevis izzināšanas un harmonizēšanas parks , animisms , New Age , enerģija