Reakcijas laiku testēšanas rīka izveide cilvēka uztveres testēšanai
Freidenfelds, Juris
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Latvijas Universitāte
Reakcijas laiks ir ilgi pētīts kognitīvās zinātnes temats. Tas ir pamats daudz plašākiem pētījumiem vairākās nozarēs, kas izskaidro tā popularitāti. Tehnoloģijas attīstības laikā, reakcijas laika pētīšana ir kļuvusi daudz ērtāk pētāma lieta, bet tas arī ir radījis vairākas problēmas, jo daudzi pētījumi nav ņēmuši vērā programmatūras un aparatūras aiztveri. Tāpēc ir svarīgi izveidot savu rīku, lai no tā izvairītos.
Response time is a long-studied topic in cognitive science. it is the basis for much more extensive research in a number of sectors, which explains its popularity. During the development of technology, the study of response time has become a much more convenient thing to study, but it has also caused a number of problems, as many studies have not taken into account the software and hardware lag. So it's important to create your own tool, to avoid this problem.
Response time is a long-studied topic in cognitive science. it is the basis for much more extensive research in a number of sectors, which explains its popularity. During the development of technology, the study of response time has become a much more convenient thing to study, but it has also caused a number of problems, as many studies have not taken into account the software and hardware lag. So it's important to create your own tool, to avoid this problem.
Datorzinātne , Reakcijas laiks , .NET/C# , Kognitīvās zinātnes , Reaction time , .NET/C#